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Pratikraman: The Key to True Repentance

The science behind pratikraman (asking for forgiveness with repentance) is that you can ask for forgiveness for hurting someone without even saying a word and it will be considered true repentance.

You might ask yourself, is this kind of repentance possible? Yes, even if you are physically away, you can remove the feeling of difference between you, by using the scientific process of bhaav pratikraman (reversal of aggression in thoughts, speech and action by changing the inner intent). This means that you no longer have to carry feelings of hurt around with you because true repentance has occurred.

Many people around the globe have experienced the power of pratikramanit is medicine for the mind. They have found internal peace with everyone and everything around them, thus destroying the very root of hatred and abhorrence using bhaav pratikraman, which was shown by Gnani Purush Param Pujya Dadashri.

Pratikraman - The Master Key that Resolves all Conflicts

How can we practice pratikraman for the dead or someone who is residing far away from us? What can we do when we consume animals as food or sell them as a part of our business?


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is Pratikraman?

    A. Dadashri: What is the meaning of pratikraman? Do you know that? Questioner: No. Dadashri: Tell me... Read More

  2. Q. How to do pratikraman (ask for forgiveness) ?

    A. Questioner: What is the pratikraman vidhi? Dadashri: For example if you hurt Chandulal, then you... Read More

  3. Q. How can one ask for forgiveness from those who have died?

    A. Questioner: How can you ask for forgiveness from those who have died? Dadashri: Even though they... Read More

  4. Q. Is it a sin if we hurt someone unknowingly?

    A. Questioner: What should we do if we kill something unknowingly? Dadashri: Even when it is done... Read More

  5. Q. How to repent for your sins?

    A. One has to learn pratikraman, whereas atikraman is learnt automatically. If one wants to hurt... Read More

  6. Q. How to stop lying? How to repent?

    A. Questioner: Are we binding karmas when we tell lies? Dadashri: Of course! But more than telling... Read More

  7. Q. How to get rid of addictions?

    A. Questioner: I am addicted to smoking. What should I do? Dadashri: Maintain from within, that... Read More

  8. Q. How to stop negative thoughts?

    A. Questioner: Should we do pratikraman for the consequences of karma or for the subtle... Read More

  9. Q. True pratikraman begins after Self-Realization!

    A. Questioner: How can one do true pratikraman? When is the pratikraman considered pure? Dadashri:... Read More

  10. Q. Essential religious doctrine

    A. The path to liberation does not have any rituals. Rituals are only present in the worldly life. The... Read More

  11. Q. What is Michhami Dukkadam?

    A. Michhami Dukkadam is a word of the Ardhamaagdhi language (language spoken during the time of Lord... Read More

  12. Q. How to eliminate vengeance from a relationship?

    A. Questioner: Let us say that a relationship based on deep abhorrence and vengeance has occurred. If... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. Knowledge of the Self is the path of liberation. Pratikramans after Self-realization puts you on the path to liberation.
  2. It is alochana(confession of one's mistakes), pratikraman(asking for forgiveness), and pratyakhyan(firm resolve and determination never to repeat the mistake). These will fuel your vehicle en route to moksha. The way to moksha is through these, no other rituals are needed. This is what I myself have done for countless lives. For so many lives I have done alochana, Pratikraman.
  3. It will be enough to do just this (Pratikraman) and nothing more. You need not seek any other religion. I am giving you my guarantee and am blessing you for liberation. I will be with you the entire way, giving you my full support. All that is required of you is your readiness. If you were to apply any of this in your daily life, it will be enough.
  4. It is natural for humans to err, but how can they escape from this? Only a Gnani Purush can show you how. It is through pratikraman!
  5. You should ask Dada for strength in everything. If you fail to do pratikraman, you must ask for the strength to do proper pratikraman. Ask for all the strength. I have as much strength as you need.
  6. With pratikraman, his/her animosity towards you will lessen. With each pratikraman, a layer of karma is shed. Karma comes in layers, as do onions. You will have to do as many pratikramans as the number of layers you have caused.
  7. The mind is not as much of a problem as the speech is, because the mind functions secretly, whereas speech can carve a hole in a person's heart and hurt him severely. You must ask for forgiveness from whomever you have hurt with your speech. You must recall each and every person and do pratikraman in their name.
  8. If you hide things from the Gnani Purush, it will hinder you. People do pratikraman in order to bring things out into the open. That man brought so much baggage with him and he came here to confess everything. What happens when you try to hide things? Your faults will remain hidden and they will double.
  9. This is Akram Vignan. 'Vignan' means that it is a Science and therefore it gives immediate results. Where there is no need to do anything, that is called a science, and wherever one has to do something, that is all relative religion.
  10. "This is the cash bank of Divine Solution." The only 'cash bank.' Such a bank has not appeared in the last one million years. It offers liberation within just two hours. I am ready to grant you whatever you ask of me.

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