Spiritual Quotes

If anger, pride, deceit and greed end up arising, let them be. There is no problem even if thoughts of unworthy behaviour arise; do not be alarmed. However, make sure You [the Self] reverse them by doing pratikraman (three fold process of confessing the mistake, asking for forgiveness for it and resolving not to repeat it) for them in this way. That will result in a very elevated level of dharmadhyan (a virtuous internal state of being that prevents one from hurting oneself or others)!

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What does syaadvaad vani (speech which accepts all viewpoints and never hurts anyone’s viewpoint) imply? It implies that you should speak in such a way that not only does it benefit five people, but it also does not cause any interference to arise in anyone.

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Samkit (the right belief of ‘I am pure Soul’) is not Gnan (the experiential Knowledge of the Self), it is the understanding [that ‘I am the Self’].

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What defines true worthiness [to attain moksha]? The one who has no conflicts whatsoever in worldly life is considered worthy [of attaining moksha].

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One has truly understood spirituality when, day-by-day, anger, pride, deceit, and greed steadily continue to decrease, rather than increase.

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I bow in reverence to the Arihant Lords, the Ones who have conquered Their inner enemies. Recognize the inner enemies. Anger, pride, deceit, and greed are the inner enemies!

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What harm would you incur by lying? People would lose trust in you! And if people cannot trust you, then you’ve lost your worthiness [as a human]!!!

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'‘No living being can interfere in another living being even in the slightest!’ If anyone comes to understand this siddhant (incontrovertible principle that accomplishes the ultimate goal), then he will himself become swatantra (independent as the Self; subject to the Self alone)!

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Whether you conduct your business in an underhand way or in a proper way, the same profit will be gained. However, the deceitfulness is giving rise to a liability for you in the next life. That is why the Lord has forbidden deceitfulness. There’s no benefit to it, just endless loss to be incurred!

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Why do people ruminate about the past? They are attempting to heal their wounded ego!

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There will be nothing but misery, sorrow and unhappiness as long as abhimaan (excessive pride due to material possessions) does not retire!

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Patience is not something that you have to maintain, patience is something that is to be learnt. How can you learn to be patient? By spending time with those who are patient, by observing those who are patient.

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