Spiritual Articles

Is Destiny Real?

Yes, destiny is real; it exists! To know how is destiny real, let us go through a... Read More

How to Know What Is My Destiny? Can I Get Something that Is Not in My Destiny?

To know what is my destiny, one usually opts for different techniques or ways such... Read More

Can You Choose Your Destiny? Do Your Actions or Decisions Determine Your Destiny or Is It the Other Way Around?

Yes, you create your own destiny; you choose your destiny! Most of us tend to... Read More

Is It True that Destiny Can Be Changed? Do You Have a Role When Your Destiny Unfolds?

Yes, destiny can be changed but it requires special effort! One can never know... Read More

How to Continue to Push Myself in Life When I am Feeling Hopeless

“I feel hopeless” is one of the most shared experiences for many of us. It is true... Read More

What to Do When You Are Feeling Alone and Lonely

Humans are social animals that have colonized and evolved in communities. Social... Read More

What is a Prayer? How do we empower ourselves through prayers?

Since childhood days, one has been humming, singing and listening to numerous... Read More

Four Ways to Overcome Addiction

Today, we are seeing how prevalent the drug culture is, in the film industry. The... Read More

Difference between Spirituality and Religion

There is certainly a vast difference between spirituality and religion. Come, let... Read More

How to be Successful

A human’s life, whether it is the life of a common man or of superman, is always... Read More

How to Overcome Depression Permanently In A Scientific Way

What are the causes of depression? How to overcome depression? Have you ever... Read More

The True Definition of Karma

What is karma? Karma, as a word, has been used very loosely. If you are reading this... Read More

Know Thyself and Experience it!

Do you really need to perform heavy penance, self meditation and renounce the world... Read More

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