There is certainly a vast difference between spirituality and religion.
Come, let us attempt to analyse that difference.
In the quest for peace and happiness, one begins to practice religion.
Every religion in its own way, imparts the knowledge of what is good and what is bad. Religion is a faith or a belief system. It teaches us to leave bad things and adopt the good things instead, since the law of nature is such that when one does bad deeds, he charges demerit karma which brings him unhappiness; whereas if he does good deeds, he charges merit karma that yields him happiness.
There are various different religions practiced in the world eg. Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christianity etc. Depending upon one’s spiritual development, everyone finds an appropriate religion for himself – one that he feels matches his viewpoint, that what he accepts as being correct and thereby gets entrenched in it.

- Religion is all about doing something - You have to worship God, you have to keep chanting Lord’s name, you have to perform rituals, you have to say prayers, you have to do repentance, you have to do meditation, you have to renounce wife and children, house and property, money and all belongings, and you have to do lots of penance too. Principally, there is always a lot of burden and stress associated with any act of doing.
- For whatever reason when one fails to do whatever he intends to, there is lot of fear and panic too that will instantly and naturally arise within him, making him very restless.
- By doing good deeds, no doubt one binds merit karmas. But in order to enjoy the fruits of these merit karmas, one will have to take rebirth and come into this world again. The process of birth and death is far too painful and one has to undergo this misery to enjoy the fruits of his merit karmas.
- Moreover, the fruits of merit karmas are generally in the form of worldly happiness, which by its nature is temporary. Temporary happiness brings immense suffering when the time for that happiness comes to an end.
- And even while one is experiencing such happiness, he does feel satisfied for a while; but there after he gets saturated and moves on to find some other source of happiness. This process goes on and on for countless lives.