Maya (ignorance of One's Real form as the Self) is the one that makes you take birth, maya is the one who makes you get married, and maya is also the one who makes you die. However, the only condition here is that the 'reign' is not of maya. The 'reign' is yours. It cannot happen without you desiring it. Whatever you signed off on in the past life, is what maya is giving as an effect in this life.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanOne should learn to know one’s own Self. And if one does not know that, then he should know dharmadhyan (auspicious contemplation, to not hurt anyone, to give happiness to others). If one does not know dharmadhyan, then he lost his human birth again. And one will not attain Moksha (liberation) if one does not know ‘that’ (i.e. to know one’s Self).
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanYou should not be suspicious about anyone’s conduct, it is very dangerous. How can you see faults in women, when women have given births to great tirthankars? Why should you doubt them? When you do that, there is tremendous liability.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanTo whom does the cycle of birth and death apply? To the Self or to the body? This cycle of birth and death applies only to the ego. The cycle of birth and death is supported by the ego. The moment the cycle of birth and death becomes supportless, it [the relative self] falls over. The one whose ego has exhausted, his cycle of birth and death has ceased!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanTo talk [negatively] about someone specific is considered slander. You need to have a general understanding about things. Slandering someone is a sign of going to a lower life form in the next birth.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanFor infinite lives, one has been wandering around, and once in a while, he will attain a human birth. But there his back will hurt. He will have created obstacles such that he will not be able to eat, even when he is served a plate full of food. This is how it is! So think before you take any steps (before you do anything).
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