The one who has enlightened view (right belief; samkiti), he indeed does not have any problems, anywhere. He remains only the Knower-Seer everywhere. As long as there is any problem or objection, it cannot indeed be called samkit (enlightened view, right belief).
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe Self (Atma) does not have any other kind of purusharth (spiritual effort). To prevail only as the Knower-Seer is its Purusharth and absolute bliss (parmanand) is the effect of that.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanIf You [the Self] remain as the Knower-Seer of all the kriya (activities of the mind-speech-body), then all the activities are in the form of galan (discharge). Bad habits and good habits are all in fact in the form of discharge.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanWhat can be referred to as true internal penance? It is when the heart is actually burning within and One peacefully remains as the Knower-Seer of that.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanNothing is going to come under Your control, nor should anything be taken into control, just keep Knowing. 'You' [the Self] are the Knower-Seer-full of eternal bliss.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe One who constantly remains in the state as the Knower-Seer is a Gnani.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanKarma are bound in the doer-sufferer [state] and karma are not bound in the Knower-Seer [state].
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe very meaning of vyavasthit (result of scientific circumstantial evidence) is to neither interfere in the activity of the prakruti (non-Self complex) nor in the external evidences. The moment the arm raises up, the leg moves, there is galvanizing from within, ‘Let’s go now,' so one starts moving. No interference should be done in that, remain the Knower-Seer.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe One who does not consider even a single attribute of the prakruti (non-Self complex) to be His own, and Knows all of One’s own properties, is a Gnani. If a single attribute [of the prakruti] were considered to be One's own, then he would get trapped in worldly life.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe universe is filled with nothing but the six eternal elements! These six partners make up a limited company. (1) That which provides the place for the business is avkash (space). (2) The provider of the goods for the business is the pudgal (inanimate matter). (3) That which transports the goods back and forth is the gati sahayak tattva (element of motion) (4) That which does the work of arranging and storing the goods is the sthiti sahayak tattva (element of inertia). (5) That which is responsible for the settlement of the above four is kaal tattva (element of time). (6) The One who keeps watch is the pure Soul, the Knower-Seer.
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