There is infinite energy within. The moment you contemplate within, based on your contemplation, that is what comes to unfold on the outside! However, in this case, even after making efforts, even after pursuing their thoughts, things do not unfold in accordance to that on the outside, that is the extent of the [spiritual] 'bankruptcy' that humans have gone into! Kaliyug (an era of moral and spiritual decline characterized mainly by misery and a lack of unity in thought, speech and action) has arrived!"
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanIf you happen to hurt someone externally, you will start to experience suffering within! Such is the science of the vitaraag Lords (the enlightened Ones who are absolutely free from attachment and abhorrence). If for just one lifetime, you take away the miseries of others, it will make up for the losses incurred over infinite lifetimes!
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