The person who, after being defeated, gives his blessings to the one who has won over him, will attain liberation. He will become complete!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe One who is going to attain liberation, what is He like? 'He' would be indulging in His own bliss [that of the Self] only.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanBy contempuously rejecting anyone, you will never be able to attain liberation. Therefore, beware!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanWhat is the root cause of karmic bondage? It is agnan (ignorance of the Self). What is the root cause of moksha (ultimate liberation)? It is Gnan (Knowledge of the Self).
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanIf the intent that, ‘No one should experience the slightest of difficulty on my account,’ prevails within for you, then it surely means that your work [of attaining liberation] is almost complete!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanPrevailing in ashubh bhaav (inauspicious or hurtful intents) binds demerit karma (paap), prevailing in shubh bhaav (auspicious or helpful intents) binds merit karma (punya), and prevailing in shuddha bhaav (pure intent; the state as the Self) leads to moksha (ultimate liberation)!
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