Normality is required in worldly interactions. It should not be the case where a very close relative of yours comes to befriend you at one time and scold you the next time.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanNormality is itself the absolute element (paramtattva) of the world!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanWhat is the essence of the world? Normality. Above normal is poison, and below normal is poison. Come to normality. Normality in the non-Self complex (pudgal), whereas the Self (Atma) is indeed the Self!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanOnce one becomes 'above normal', he will continue becoming 'above normal'. Once one becomes 'below normal', he will continue becoming 'below normal'. To bring the one who is 'below normal' to 'normality' and to bring the one who is 'above normal' to 'normality' is one's moral duty (dharma).
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanWhat is normality? The demarcation of 'likes' should not remain and the demarcation of 'dislikes' should also not remain.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe happiness of worldly life lies in normality. When there is neither scarcity nor surplus, that is known as happiness.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanIn order to be happy in this world, there is only one path, that of normality. There is no unhappiness if normality is maintained in everything that you do; in eating and drinking, in getting up-sitting down, in moving around, in working.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe path to attaining God is normality. There is liberation (moksha) through normality. Normality is the 'backbone' of the world.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanHunger is a solution to alleviate suffering. All the vishayas (senses of pleasures) are a solution to alleviate suffering. But they have become passions for people. Stay within the limit there; do not become passionate about them. Discover normality in them.
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