Spiritual Quotes On universe

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spiritual quotes, spiritual inspirational quotes, inspirational spiritual quotes, spiritual awakening quotes, spiritual quotes on universe
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spiritual quotes, spiritual inspirational quotes, inspirational spiritual quotes, spiritual awakening quotes, spiritual quotes on universe
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When a person with Self-ignorance (agnani) becomes a ‘collector’ [attains an important position], he becomes intoxicated with that power. The Gnani Purush (One who has realized the Self and is able to do the same for others) has the sovereign authority over the entire universe, yet He does not have the slightest of intoxication of that power.

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After these two, ideal worldly interaction and the nirvikalp state (a state free from the belief of ‘I am Chandubhai’ and all relative ‘I-ness’ and ‘my-ness’ that stem from it, and with the right belief of ‘I am pure Soul’) are attained, what else remains? The One [who has attained these two things] can change the entire universe.

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The energy of the entire universe is in one Atma (the Self, Soul)! Begin manifesting that. As the perspective towards worldly life decreases, the perspective will start to turn towards the Self, and thus, the energies of the Self will continue to manifest! However, there are innumerable ‘fields’ on this side. They will have to be ‘ploughed’, won’t they?

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A single Atma (the Self, the Soul) has the energy to lift the entire universe on the tip of a finger! As It [the Self] begins to manifest, it [the energy of the Self] comes into experience.

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The absence of inner intent for kashays is the same as the inner intent of the absolute Self (Parmatma). If one’s kashays are gone, then he becomes the ‘owner’ of the whole universe.

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No one in this world is your boss! Yet people walk around with a perplexed look, thinking ‘someone will take away my things!’ Hey, you are the owner of the whole universe. Who can take away what is yours?

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If your instigations stop, then there will not be anyone to instigate you. All these are indeed the results of your own [past] instigations. 'You' are a King of the whole universe. 'You' do not indeed have anyone above you (as a boss, upari). 'You', yourself are the Parmatma (absolute supreme Soul).

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When one is engrossed (tanmayakar) in objects to be known (gneyo), then he is considered to be inside the universe and when One Sees the objects to be known as objects to be known, then One is considered to be outside the universe.

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When no feeling of dependency (parvashpanu) remains and when a sense of ownership (malikipanu) over the entire universe is felt, that is when One attains absolute authority! One becomes God!

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