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What is Charity?

What is charity? Charity is to give to others that which belongs to you. When you give to charity, you experience happiness. Do you know why? Because when you let go of something that you love, you give happiness to others. For most people that one thing is money. Even if you have the slightest thought of taking away something from others, you yourself create various obstructions and difficulties in your life.

Spiritual Science places more importance on the inner intent (cause) than on the action (effect) of giving to charity. Charity done with the unity of the mind, speech and conduct receives tremendous benefits. The one who donates willingly and happily reaps more benefits than the one who donates under pressure or with the expectation of return. Your intention should be to lessen the other person’s misery, not to gain fame or fortune.

Param Pujya Dadashri has given scientific answers to many questions related to charity, such as what are the benefits of charity? What are the most valuable types of charitable donations? How many kinds of charity are there? To whom can we give? What kind of awareness should one have when they make a donation? What is anonymous charity / donation? etc.

Read on to make sure that your charitable contributions go towards a good cause!


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What are the benefits of charity / donation?

    A. Questioner: Why do people give to charity? Dadashri: One gives because he wants something in... Read More

  2. Q. What are types of charity / donations?

    A. Dadashri: There are four forms of charity: food (ahara-daan), medical care (aushadha-daan),... Read More

  3. Q. What is relation between money and charity?

    A. Questioner: So is there no place for the charity of money in these four major... Read More

  4. Q. How much to donate to charity?

    A. Questioner: What do you mean by 'surplus?'  Dadashri: A 'surplus' is when you give and you do... Read More

  5. Q. How to donate? How to give to charity?

    A. Worrying that your money will be used up cannot preoccupy you. Whatever money is spent is fine. The... Read More

  6. Q. Where to donate?

    A. A man wanted to donate money and he came to me for advice. I realized that this man had no idea... Read More

  7. Q. What are anonymous donations?

    A. Questioner: For the one who is concerned only with attaining the Self, fame should have no bearing,... Read More

  8. Q. Why should one donate to the temple?

    A. Questioner: We had visited a temple where millions of rupees were spent on a stone idol of God. The... Read More

  9. Q. Why should one donate to the poor?

    A. Questioner: Should we give to the poor and needy or should we worship God for peace of... Read More

  10. Q. How to make good use of money?

    A. Questioner: Suppose due to merit karma, someone has accumulated hundreds of thousands of rupees,... Read More

  11. Q. Should one give Charity with Black money?

    A. Questioner: Many people say that by giving charity, one becomes a deva (celestial being). Is that... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. Charity means to give and then receive. There will be echoes of whatever you do and it will return to you with interest.
  2. Charity Means To Reap What You Have Sown.
  3. Greed Makes You Forget Charity.
  4. Give Without Expectations.
  5. When you do something auspicious or give to charity, give with the awareness and intent that others will benefit from your donation.
  6. When a donor gives with this unity of his mind, speech and conduct, he will receive tremendous benefits. The result of this is beyond imagination.
  7. Donate Anonymously.
  8. Donate Only The Surplus.
  9. Money does not belong to those who earn it, it belongs to those who to those who spend it. So whatever new 'overdrafts' (donations) you send (to the next life), that much will be yours.
  10. Wealth comes to you to be snatched away. If it does not go one way, it will go another. Therefore use it for a good cause; otherwise it will end up in the wrong place for sure.

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