Akram Vignan is a practically applied spiritual science and is a ‘shortcut’ path to liberation.
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Located 20 kms from Ahmedabad, Simandhar City is a place for spiritual progress. It is known as “A Clean City, Green City & Pure City!!!”
Read MoreA unique non-sectarian Temple inspired by Akram Vignani, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan.
Have you ever noticed that there are things in nature that adjust to their environment?
These are just a few examples of nature’s adjustments to its surrounding environment.
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan has unfolded the unique key of ‘Adjust Everywhere.’ Let us read in His own words what the intention behind adjusting in life is:
Questioner: What is the intention behind this adjustment, and to what extent do we have to adjust?
Dadashri: The intention is peace and the goal is peace. This is the key to avoid unhappiness. It is Dada's science of adjustment. This adjustment is remarkable. You know what happens whenever you do not adjust. This failure to adjust is foolishness. Adjustment is justice. Any kind of obstinacy (adherence to one's viewpoint) is not justice. You should never force your viewpoint on anyone regardless of the matter; I never do. In life, you must use the approach that will quickly draw matters to a close.
No one has ever failed to adjust with me. Here, a household of only four cannot adjust with each other. Will you learn how to adjust? Is it not possible to adjust? You will learn from whatever you observe. The law of this world is that you will learn from what you observe. No one has to teach you that. Is any part of this difficult to learn? Perhaps you might not understand the part that I am preaching, but if you were to observe my conduct, you will easily learn.
Even if you know very little in this world, it is not a major problem. You may have very little knowledge about your field of work. Even that is all right, but it is essential that you know how to adjust for your peace of mind. You have to learn to adjust otherwise you will suffer. Take advantage of this message and make the most of it.
Param Pujya Dadashri says, “Circumstances will continue to change. They will not adjust to you; you will have to adjust to them. Circumstances do not have bhaav (inner-intent) and you have bhaav. To make the circumstances favorable is our job. Unfavorable circumstances are indeed favorable. One begins to breathe hard while going up the stairs, and yet why does he climb them? There is the bhaav that he will be able to go up; he will be able to take advantage of what is up there!”
So if you want to progress in life and experience peace of mind and happiness, then to ‘Adjust Everywhere’ is the most essential starting point to reach your desired destination.
Q. How to live a Peaceful Life
A. Learning to adjust is a prerequisite for a peaceful life. According to Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, a... Read More
Q. What are the different ways to make adjustments?
A. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan coined the phrase, ‘Adjust Everywhere’. He has outlined numerous ways on... Read More
Q. How to Adjust with your Spouse for a Successful Marriage
A. Just accept these words: 'Adjust Everywhere!' Adjust! Adjust! Adjust! There should be no conflicts... Read More
A. The very definition of ideal worldly life is ‘Adjustment’. The more you adjust, the more your... Read More
Q. Why are making adjustments in life the simplest key to maintain a relationship?
A. There are times when you are faced with situations where you are the one who has to adjust even... Read More
Q. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan’s real life examples of different types of Adjustments
A. When we see or hear about someone adjusting in different situations, then it gives us the vision of... Read More
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