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Avoid Clashes: One of the Easiest Conflict Resolution Techniques

“Avoid Clashes”

This is one of the easiest conflict resolution techniques. When absorbed in your daily routine, it fills your life with immense peace and harmony.

Let us study how to deal with conflict in two different scenarios and learn how to apply conflict resolution techniques in both, in order to avoid clashes.

Scenario 1 - When you clash with someone:

Say you bang your head against a wall, you get hurt, but the wall remains unaffected. In the same way, when you clash with someone it means that you are creating the conflict and therefore hurting yourself.

Scenario 2 - When someone comes to clash with you:

When a charging bull comes your way, even if you are a king you would have to move aside to avoid getting hurt. When such situations arise in your life you should avoid clashing with the other person and move aside to avoid getting hurt.

By applying the conflict resolution techniques within these pages in your day-to-day life, you can create a conflict free environment around you. Param Pujya Dadashri has exposed this science behind ‘Avoid Clashes’ and you can read more about it here.

Avoid Clashes

If we fight with parents for money with our parents, she may give but not with her heart. We argue with parents for our wants. They are working for kids.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is confrontation? What are the types of conflicts?

    A. What is confrontation? Before we get into the understanding, let us first examine the situations... Read More

  2. Q. What are the causes of conflict?

    A. Clashes are a part of our everyday lives. But how do we get rid of them? If we know what causes... Read More

  3. Q. What are the effects of conflict?

    A. If we are aware of the effects of conflict, then we will understand the dangers of doing so and... Read More

  4. Q. “Conflict Avoidance” – Does that mean to tolerate?

    A. In attempting to avoid clashes, many people mistake and turn the true meaning of “avoid” into... Read More

  5. Q. Is it better to remain silent for conflict prevention?

    A. There are times in life when conflicts arise and we do not know how to deal with the situation at... Read More

  6. Q. How to avoid a conflict situation if someone comes to pick a fight?

    A. What should we do to avoid a conflict situation if someone comes to pick a fight? Say one is very... Read More

  7. Q. How to avoid a clash when someone insults you?

    A. If someone says something negative to you just once, you may ask yourself why he is doing so, and... Read More

  8. Q. How do I avoid fighting with my family?

    A. You should never quarrel with your family members. How can you clash with someone who loves you... Read More

  9. Q. How to live a conflict free life?

    A. You must be facing a lot of conflicts in your life daily, for example: When your boss orders you... Read More

  10. Q. Ultimate Conflict Resolution Strategy

    A. There are numerous solutions on how to deal with conflicts in life, however the ultimate conflict... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. In all clashes, both parties suffer. If you hurt anyone, you will inevitably suffer pain at that moment.
  2. Clashes occur because you follow your own laws and interpretations.
  3. The world has been created through conflicts and perpetuated through revenge.
  4. If someone tries to clash with you but you do not clash with them, then common sense will arise.
  5. Difference of opinion is a clash, and to clash is a "weakness".
  6. In this world, all conflicts you encounter are due entirely to your own mistakes.
  7. To clash is only our own ignorance. There is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" in God's eyes. According to God, duality does not exist at all.
  8. Situations of conflicts dealt with the knowledge of Akram Vignan will lead towards your spiritual progress.
  9. Avoid clash in all situations of life. A clash-free life is a life of liberation.
  10. If the other person makes a mistake, it has no value; but if a clash occurs (with someone), there are serious consequences. God does not exist where there is clash.

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