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Guru Shishya: Guru Disciple Relationship

When a person is lost in any situation, he will need someone to guide him in the right direction. That person becomes their guru because he sheds light. A guru meaning someone who gives proper guidance at any given time in life; be it a teacher at school, or a master in spirituality. It is the guru’s greatest responsibility to help their disciples’ progress and build a strong guru shishya relationship.

Everyone should maintain the intention of being a student or a disciple in every situation. A true disciple is the one who grasps all that the guru has to teach them, with the utmost humility and highest sincerity. Neither worldly knowledge nor spiritual knowledge can be attained without a guru. This is the reason why we need a guru until we achieve liberation.

Many different beliefs about gurus exist and hence we become very confused about searching for the right guru. Is there a need for spiritual teachers in spirituality? And if so, to what extent? What qualities must a guru encompass for you to make them your guru? How many gurus should one make? If one already has a guru, can he have another one? These are a few of the questions that puzzle us.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan has given various insights in understanding the guru shishya relationship. Read on to find what makes an ideal guru and ideal disciple.


Help of Guru

Guru must be a spritual teacher. The spritual teachings which a guru gives and the grace of guru helps you to finish your life with peace and harmony. Guru cannot cut down your lives.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is the need for Guru?

    A. Questioner: I walk along the path shown by the guru. Thereafter, do I need him? Alternatively, do I... Read More

  2. Q. What are the qualities of Guru? What is the definition of Guru?

    A. Questioner: What are the qualities of a true guru?           Dadashri: The true guru is one that... Read More

  3. Q. What is the importance of Living Guru?

    A. Questioner: If we surrender to the great souls that lived thousands of years ago, can that be... Read More

  4. Q. Who is a Satguru ?

    A. Questioner: Now whom can we call a 'satguru'? Dadashri: It is very difficult to define and... Read More

  5. Q. What is the difference between Guru and Spiritual master (Gnani Purush)?

    A. Questioner: Please explain the difference between a guru and a Gnani Purush? Dadashri: There is a... Read More

  6. Q. Who is a True Guru? How to choose a Spiritual Guru?

    A. Do not accept a known guru as guru, and if you do, then do not turn your back on him. Use a pot if... Read More

  7. Q. What is the definition of discipleship? What qualities should the disciple have?

    A. Questioner: So what kind of qualities should the disciple have in order to have a guru? Dadashri:... Read More

  8. Q. How does the faith in guru benefit us?

    A. Questioner: If we have faith (shraddha) in a guru regardless of what he is like, will that faith... Read More

  9. Q. What are the dangers of bad mouthing a Guru?

    A. Questioner: What are the grave dangers of criticizing or bad mouthing a... Read More

  10. Q. Who is at fault Guru or Disciple?

    A. Questioner: The gurus of today are only after money. Dadashri: People are like that too. The... Read More

  11. Q. What are the pitfalls in the path of liberation?

    A. Two things do not exist in the path of moksha. One is thoughts about woman and the other is... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. The gurus of worldly life, teach worldly religion and duties, to do what is right and discard all that is bad. They make you understand matters of good and bad. The worldly life will always be there so you must keep that guru, and if you want moksha, then that is what the Gnani Purush is for. The two are separate. The Gnani Purush takes the side of the Lord within.
  2. You need a guru who is free from aasakti (inner weakness inclined towards attractions that arise from within). Of what use is he, if he is tempted by money or anything else? He has the same disease as we do; both have a disease. The only guru that is useful, is the one who has no inner inclinations and temptations.
  3. One who has no buddhi (intellect) and ownership of his body is the true guru. If he has ownership of his body and you have ownership of yours, it will not work because the two of you will collide.
  4. The guru's moral character should be absolutely pure. The disciple's character may not be so, but the guru's should be exact. One is not a guru if his moral character is not proper; it would be meaningless.
  5. To become really pleased (prasanna) means never to become disappointed. The disciple is bound to make mistakes, but a true guru-Gnani will never become displeased.
  6. The guru's grace can help you tremendously. But your intent and love towards him should match this.
  7. It (faith) comes based on one's guru's conduct, effective thoughts, speech and acts (charitra). There is energy behind his conduct.You do not need to establish faith where one's speech, conduct and humility win your heart; it will definitely be established on its own.
  8. Once you meet the satguru there is no need for any qualification. The fact that you meet a satguru is in itself, your highest punya (merit karma effect).
  9. By criticising the guru, the disciple can ruin all his spiritual gains.
  10. If you make every living being your guru, and learn whatever you can from them, you will attain liberation. God is present in every living being so if you embrace and learn from them, you will attain liberation.

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