Two things do not exist in the path of moksha. One is thoughts about woman and the other is thoughts about money.
Religion does not exist where there are thoughts about woman or money. This world exists because of these two maya (illusions).
So it is wrong to look for religion there. But how many institutions run without money today?
Questioner: Not a single one.
Dadashri: People are not able to break free from this maya (illusion). Maya has entered even in the guru. This is the Kaliyug, so maya is bound to affect people, is it not? There can never be true religion where there is any exchange of money or thoughts about women. I am not talking about those living a worldly life (sansari), I am talking about the gurus and those whose preaching guides people; they should not have these two illusions. Otherwise, they have it, and the sansaris have it too! It should not be like that. And what is the third requirement? They should have samyak drashti (Self-realization).
So you should not linger wherever there is any sexual interaction or interaction with money. Look before you make someone your guru. Do not make him a guru if he has these flaws in character (charitra). Even the slightest flaw in these matters is not acceptable. It does not matter if he travels in cars, but he should not fail in his interaction with women. There is no problem even if he has pride and he becomes happy when others revere him. We can pardon all these things as long as he is decent and upright in his dealings with women. This is most important in one's moral character.
Book Name : Guru and Disciple (Page #139 Last line,Page #140 Paragraph #1,#2,#3)
A. Questioner: I walk along the path shown by the guru. Thereafter, do I need him? Alternatively, do I... Read More
Q. What are the qualities of Guru? What is the definition of Guru?
A. Questioner: What are the qualities of a true guru? Dadashri: The true guru is one that... Read More
Q. What is the importance of Living Guru?
A. Questioner: If we surrender to the great souls that lived thousands of years ago, can that be... Read More
A. Questioner: Now whom can we call a 'satguru'? Dadashri: It is very difficult to define and... Read More
Q. What is the difference between Guru and Spiritual master (Gnani Purush)?
A. Questioner: Please explain the difference between a guru and a Gnani Purush? Dadashri: There is a... Read More
Q. Who is a True Guru? How to choose a Spiritual Guru?
A. Do not accept a known guru as guru, and if you do, then do not turn your back on him. Use a pot if... Read More
Q. What is the definition of discipleship? What qualities should the disciple have?
A. Questioner: So what kind of qualities should the disciple have in order to have a guru? Dadashri:... Read More
Q. How does the faith in guru benefit us?
A. Questioner: If we have faith (shraddha) in a guru regardless of what he is like, will that faith... Read More
Q. What are the dangers of bad mouthing a Guru?
A. Questioner: What are the grave dangers of criticizing or bad mouthing a... Read More
Q. Who is at fault Guru or Disciple?
A. Questioner: The gurus of today are only after money. Dadashri: People are like that too. The... Read More
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