Understanding of Speech
Pujya Niruma explains that effective speech not only conveys a message, but is presented in a manner which is appealing to the listener.
Words have a tremendous impact in this world and they are a necessary medium to carry out worldly interactions with ease. As long as the spoken language remains in normality, only then is it beneficial. If it goes above or below normality, then such speech becomes harmful to others and to the self.
Param Pujya Dadashri has unfolded the science that explains the basis on which and the reason for sweet and bitter speech. When does bitter speech against any person come forth? Bitter speech or hurtful words come forth because one has negative opinions for that person. When the underlying opinions are washed and cleared, the speech improves and becomes sweet.
At times you may even think that not saying anything or suppressing your speech is a good idea, but that is not a solution. It is the same as compressing a spring, when the pressure that is built is released it can create an explosion. Instead you should try to reach an amicable solution. At the same time keep the inner intent that you do not want to hurt anybody with your words. You should say things that you would like to hear yourself. Project on to the world, as you would like. Whatever words you throw at others will eventually come back at you. You should speak such that when the words are returned to you, they are not harmful.
Words have the power to make or break relationships. Read on to learn more about the impact of words in relationships and watch your way of talking change.
Q. What is the impact of words in relationship?
A. Questioner: But many conflicts arise because of the words I use. Dadashri: It is because of words... Read More
A. If a human, would not interfere in the flow of his life, it would run very smoothly. But... Read More
Q. How to avoid argument at home?
A. Questioner : What should we do when we have a big argument at home? Dadashri : A wise person would... Read More
Q. How to interact with children?
A. Questioner : How can you interact with children on their level? Is it by becoming like... Read More
Q. How to handle kids? Why children argue?
A. Questioner : Children here are very argumentative and when we talk to them, they tell us, 'Why are... Read More
Q. Should we not say anything when some one is lying?
A. Questioner: Should we not say anything even if he is lying or doing something wrong? Dadashri: Yes... Read More
Q. How to avoid hurtful words in my business/workplace?
A. Questioner: What should I do in my business when I become angry with someone who does not... Read More
A. Questioner : If someone says something insulting, how should we deal with it? How should we... Read More
Q. How to have a conflict free relationship?
A. Dadashri: So how do you like it when people quarrel? You don't even like it when dogs fight. All... Read More
Q. How to resolve relationship conflict?
A. Questioner: What should we do when we do not know how to speak? Should we remain silent? Dadashri:... Read More
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