You should be conscious that you do not put yourself or your spouse in financial difficulty. You should live within your means. Decide from the very beginning that you will run your household within a certain budget. If you do not have enough money, then you should not be in a hurry to buy expensive things. Spend only if you have the money.
Once you have both decided on a monthly budget to run your household, you should always keep that much money easily accessible for your spouse. Do not let the situation arise where he/she has to ask you for money.
How should you practice frugality in your home? You should practice it in a way that it does not offend anyone. You should never practice frugality in your kitchen or when it comes to sharing food. You should be generous in your frugality. If frugality enters your kitchen, it will ruin your mind and when you have visitors, you will think, ‘The rice will be used up.’ On the other hand, if a person is extravagant, I will tell him to practice noble frugality.
Let us see what Param Pujya Dadashri has to say about preventing money problems in marriage:
Questioner: What should we do when times are tough and there is no money coming in?
Dadashri: When rain does not fall for an entire year, the farmers cry and say that they are ruined. The rains return the next year and their financial position improves. So, when times are tough, patience is necessary. Decrease your expenses and with hard work and frugal economy pass your time. Do this only during the tough period. When the going is good you do not have to do anything.
At such difficult times, give this body the necessary food. It does not demand anything else. Also if needed, recite these three mantras, the Trimantra, for an hour daily. When you do this, your life situation will improve. For thousands of people, the difficulties and obstructions in life have been eliminated by the name 'Dada Bhagwan', recited with understanding.
One night the wife pleads with her husband to buy her a sari. He asks her how much it is and she tells him that it costs only 2200 rupees. Her husband tells her that if it cost 200 or 300 rupees, he would gladly buy it for her, but how could they afford such an expensive sari? The wife gets upset and begins to sulk. What kind of a problem has been created? He even begins to regret getting married.
What should the husband do? Should he buy her the 2200-rupee sari?
Param Pujya Dadashri says, “He should make the situation such that she herself would not want to buy the sari. If he was earning 800 rupees a month, he should keep 100 rupees for himself and give her the rest. Would she be likely to buy herself a sari then? He could then even afford to tease her about buying a sari. Then the decision to buy the sari would be hers. If the decision rested on him, she would continue to pressure him. I learnt this art before I attained Gnan. It was much later that I became a Gnani. I acquired Gnan after I discovered ways of dealing with difficult situations.” If you learn this art of how to deal with your wife with the right approach, then you will not have this problem.
There is a vast science on the Science of Money that Param Pujya Dadashri has exposed. You can read more about it here.
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