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Losing a Loved One: Handling Death Blissfully When Someone Dies!

Losing a loved one due to death seems to be the most painful event. The mere thought of the death of a loved one sends down a shiver of fear. The mind is just not ready to believe that it will have to live life without the loved one. When that moment comes, we are not able to bear the emptiness that gets created in life. Drowned in the memory of the person, we keep crying over and over again and are not able to get over the pain. However, if we get the right understanding of death and the causes of suffering come in our vision, then even during such sad occasions, peace can remain.

What is our true duty when someone dies who is near and dear to us? What should we do after the death of a relative? How to find peace? Do ancestors obstruct us after death? What is the importance of performing Shraadh? If a satisfactory answer to all these questions is found, then one definitely finds solace in times of grief and mourning.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan has very closely observed the rituals carried out at the time of the death of a family member and has shed light on the true reasons behind the beliefs and the worldly death rituals. Regarding death, he has revealed to the world a completely different reality as is. This reality inspires us to discard the age-old worldly view and look at the event of losing a loved one due to death in a new light.

Prayer for the Dead

To help someone who has died, pray to their pure Soul using the tool of Pratikraman, or spiritual apology. This releases bondage of attachment or aversion with them.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What care for the dying loved one should we take during the final hours before death?

    A. A family member or a close relative, who is old and is in the final hours before death, should be... Read More

  2. Q. How to overcome the grief of the death of a loved one?

    A. Witnessing the death of a loved one is a very sad experience, but what happened cannot be... Read More

  3. Q. What to do if we feel like grieving after loss of a loved one?

    A. Grieving after loss of a loved one is natural. However, if we think over it a little, we will... Read More

  4. Q. What is samadhi maran?

    A. What is Samadhi Maran? Generally, what is the kind of atmosphere in the house where death has... Read More

  5. Q. What is the importance of shradh for ancestors or Pitrudosh during Pitru paksha?

    A. श्रद्धया दीयते यत् तत् श्राद्धम् । (What is given with faith is shradh.) According to the... Read More

  6. Q. Are religious rituals significant for dying person?

    A. In society, many types of worldly beliefs prevail, like after death one wanders for thirteen days.... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. In God's vision, no one ever dies. If God were to give you this vision, some day, then no number of deaths would affect you in this world. This is because of this right vision (Gnan).
  2. In reality one does not die nor does one live. This is all just a mistake in one's belief. He believes that he is living, a mortal (jiva), but in reality, he is immortal (Shiva).
  3. The Soul is free from the bondage of birth and death. It is eternal; it has no death.
  4. This phenomenon of taking birth and dying is of the ego. It is the ego that is born and it is the ego that dies.In reality the Soul does not die at all.
  5. There is birth after death and death after birth. Why does this cycle continue relentlessly? It is because of 'causes and effects, and effects and causes' that the cycle perpetuates. If causes were destroyed, effect too would come to an end and another birth would cease to occur.
  6. Karmas are bound through the act of doing, through the act of making others do or through the act of supporting others do the act.
  7. Life in my enlightened view is a prison. There are four kinds of prisons: Those who are in heaven are in the prison of simple surveillance with all the comforts. The human beings are in a simple prison. The animals are in a prison of intense labor and hardship. Those in hell are in a prison of hell with life long pain and torture.
  8. The cycle of birth and death is for the ego. The Soul is in its own state. When the ego stops, this cycle also stops.
  9. Causes of new karma can only be stopped in the human life. There is only effect in all other life forms. In human beings there is both causes and effects.
  10. The Gnani never mourns, but he will play out his worldly role with sincerity. 'The world is a drama itself.' All you have to do is play the role. Perform this role with sincerity.

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