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Pratikraman: Asking for Forgiveness

Asking for forgiveness has the power to wash away the mistakes that are committed in life. However, it is extremely important to know how to apologize in order to maintain healthy relationships.

It may not be your intention to hurt others, but at times it just happens. The guilt and suffering are experienced by everyone involved and as a result the relation suffers. Is there any solution for suffering relationships? Yes! The magic eraser – Pratikraman (asking for forgiveness)!

Whether it is a matter of how to fix a relationship or how to remove a bad habitpratikraman is the spiritual solution to wash off your wrongdoings, just as you would remove the dirt or stains from your clothes. The healing practice of asking for forgiveness or saying, ‘Michhami Dukkadam’ is being applied all over the world to apologize. It soothes your Soul, allowing you to regain peace of mind and enables you to live a happy life with your family, friends, and co-workers.

To study the science of forgiveness read below…

Heartfelt Repentance-a Key to Dissolve Mistakes

Do we tend to hurt people in our day to day lives? Pujya Deepakbhai explains that we should first stop hurting other people and when the result of hurting other people comes we should not react, rather accept and no reaction or blaming in future. One should accept the mistake, repent heartily, ask for forgiveness and and vow not to repeat the mistake again.


Top Questions & Answers

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  5. Q. How to ask for forgiveness for reprimanding subordinates?

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  6. Q. How to deal with insult?

    A. Questioner: So then what is pratikraman? Dadashri: If a person insults you, you should understand... Read More

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    A. Questioner: What should we do if we have hurt someone so badly that he is depressed? Dadashri:... Read More

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  11. Q. What is Michhami Dukkadam?

    A. Michhami Dukkadam is a word of the Ardhamaagdhi language (language spoken during the time of Lord... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. At least try doing pratikraman, and then witness the changes of the people in your household. There will be magical changes and effects.
  2. Life is not meant for hurting anyone. If you hurt the person you will surely have to amend the situation.
  3. First the cure is born and then the problem or affliction arises.
  4. Wash away all the contempt you have towards others. Put soap on it and wash it.
  5. Pratikraman is like planting a roasted seed, do not grow, and new causes are not created.
  6. Extremely intelligent people have a tendency to make fun of others. Is such ego not futile? It is the sign of misuse of intellect.
  7. When you sit down to do pratikraman, you will experience the 'nectar' from within and you will feel very light.
  8. No one possesses the power to bother anyone or the power to endure. Each person is merely a puppet going about his business on the world's stage. With pratikraman, these puppets learn to live in peace and harmony. No matter how insane the other person may be, he will come to his senses through your pratikraman.

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