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Selfless Love is True Love

When you love somebody, then why do you clash with them?

Because you are filled with expectations, demands, attachment, possessiveness, jealousy and so on… Until these emotions are occupied within, you might feel bound and experience suffocation at some point in time. This illustrates that it cannot be true love.

True love is selfless, but until now we have been selfish about love because we hoped to get it from our loved ones, we never thought about giving it. Out of all the relationships, selfless love can be seen in the eyes of a mother. Only a mother’s love is regarded the highest.

Selfless love is different from worldly love. It results only in happiness.

To know how to give rise to unconditional love, read on and explore other pages.

What is Pure Love?

What is pure love? If we love someone, then there should not be any expectations from that person, no attachment, no hatred and no seeing faults of that person. When our anger, pride, deceit, greed dissolves then only we can have pure love for everyone.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. Does true love prevail in your home?

    A. When can one say that they have gained from the family members at home? It is when they feel love... Read More

  2. Q. Why love of a mother is the highest form of worldly love?

    A. Real love should not break under any circumstances. So it can only be called love if it never... Read More

  3. Q. Do you have love for your children?

    A. One has to understand these things! Right now you wonder whether there is such a thing as love in... Read More

  4. Q. How to behave with children?

    A. Questioner: The power of love is greater than the power of authority, right? Dadashri: Yes, but... Read More

  5. Q. How to advise teenagers?

    A. Questioner: If someone is doing something wrong and you comment on his negative actions in order to... Read More

  6. Q. Why there is failure in love these days?

    A. Questioner: These days, boys and girls fall in love because of infatuation and attraction. Do they... Read More

  7. Q. What is infatuation?

    A. Questioner: What kind of love is it when two lovers commit suicide because there is no acceptance... Read More

  8. Q. Why do couples fight in spite of having love? What causes conflicts in relationship?

    A. Questioner: Why is it that sometimes although we do not want to harbor abhorrence towards others,... Read More

  9. Q. Does true love exist in relationships?

    A. The world is perplexed because it believes that infatuation and attraction is love. All this is... Read More

  10. Q. How to test true love?

    A. Questioner: What is the difference between love of illusion and real love? Dadashri: The moth... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. With love one would never see the fault of the wife or the children throughout his life. In love, one never sees any faults at all.
  2. Infatuation and attraction can either be above normal or below normal. Love is within normality; it remains constant without changing.
  3. Real love is that which remains the same whether one receives flowers or thorns of insults.
  4. Real love is unadulterated and pure. Real love does not have motives of sex, greed or pride.
  5. It is an illusion if people appear good and it is also an illusion if they appear to have faults. The former is because of attachment and the latter because of detachment. In reality everyone is faultless.
  6. People want unconditional love, love devoid of selfishness.
  7. Pure love, real love exists where there is no selfishness; where there are no feelings of 'yours-mine'. Wherever there is a feeling of' 'yours-mine', there is definitely selfishness as well as ignorance of the Self.
  8. That which increases one moment and decreases the next, is not love: That which resides in the heart and remains the same, is real love.
  9. The love between a real guru and the disciple is such that the disciple absorbs everything the guru says.
  10. God exists where there is honesty in relative interactions and where there is pure love, which does not increase, or decrease. These are the two places where God resides. Where there is love, faith and purity, that is where God is.

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