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What Are the Types of Anger?

Types of Anger Based on the Intensity of Anger

Anantanubandhi Krodh (the most intense type of anger which leads to infinite bondage and infinite births): We said such words in anger, that broke the other person’s mind to such an extent that he would never be able to recover for the rest of his life. Where one’s mind breaks forever, such anger is Anantanubandhi Krodh, anger that will make one wander for infinite lifetimes. Just like when there’s a crack in the middle of a stone cliff, one foot or two feet deep, then no matter how many things are put into it, yet the original crack shall remain forever; similarly, the other person’s mind was broken, which can never reunite now in the entire life, such intense anger means Anantanubandhi Krodh.


Apratyakhyani Krodh (Anger for which pratikraman has not been done): The second type of anger is Apratyakhyani Krodh. Once by fierce anger we happen to hurt a person, and he does not speak to us for one-two years, it is called Apratyakhyani Krodh. Just like a crack in the fields gets filled up in a year or so, similarly, the wounds of that other person also heal in a year or two, and eventually he forgets his pain. In the language of the scriptures, after anger happened, one doing the anger had not regretted it, had not repented, and for such a long time, the other person remained affected by it, that anger is said to be Apratyakhyani Krodh.


Pratyakhyani Krodh (Anger for which the resolve to never repeat the anger is ongoing): If after getting angry, one repents, and within fifteen days, the other person forgets everything and both start talking to each other again, then it is called Pratyakhyani Krodh. Just as if we draw a line in the sand, how soon will it be wiped? With the wind, the sand restores to normal (without line). Similarly, it takes an hour or two to wipe off the effect of anger. If the other person’s mind restores to normal in a few days, then it is called Pratyakhyani Krodh.


Sanjwalan Krodh (Mild anger that is easily reversible): Anger with the lowest intensity, the effect of which is very less, that’s called Sanjwalan Krodh. If we draw a line in water, then the line keeps getting drawn ahead, and behind it keeps getting erased; likewise anger that does not hurt the other person means it is Sanjwalan krodh.


Small Forms of Anger

Anger’s small form is ‘dislike’ or what we ‘do not like’ that happens. There is no sign of anger outside, but there is hatred for someone inside, a bad feeling for someone, that is also a form of anger only.

When someone insults us, we get less respect, or our will does not happen, the agitation that happens within at that time, the ego has got upset inside but it goes on bearing it, all of that is a form of anger only.

Being emotional, getting upset, being caught up in a hurried mode are one form of anger. The internal frustration or suffocation that happens when there’s no solution coming, is also a form of anger only.

The irritation that happens over someone’s habits like, that of eating making a sound, someone’s way of brushing their teeth, habit of drinking tea with sound-making sips, habit of snoring while sleeping, etc., that also is a minor form of anger.

Anguish (Visible Outburst of Anger) and Restlessness (Invisible Internal Anger)

Anguish is gross anger, which everyone outside comes to know. Whereas, restlessness is subtle anger, where negativity or hatred happens inside, constant burning remains. In the stage of ignorance, restlessness burns one’s own self only, whereas anguish burns one’s self and the other person too.

When a seventy-year-old uncle hears the sound of breaking of two glasses in the kitchen, he says, “What broke?” Such anguish and restlessness happens on two glasses breaking, as if the Soul has broken. If glasses were broken at the hands of the servant, “Servants only keep breaking things, are your hands broken?” he goes on nagging!

If anguish-restlessness stops, then that person is called God. Some experience anguish-restlessness when cups are broken, while in some cases, anguish-restlessness happens when one’s pen is lost. To some, anguish-restlessness happens when the driver has slightly spoilt his car. Some experience anguish-restlessness when someone has caused damage to his dining table. Thus, experiencing these two types of anger is inevitable; it will happen for some or the other reason. All day long, one keeps doing anguish-restlessness, and one whose anguish-restlessness is gone, the world calls him God only!

Anguish and restlessness, of the two, which one is more intense? Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan shows a clear distinction between anguish and restlessness

Dadashri: “Anguish is bigger and naïve, that restlessness is small but deceitful. Therefore, when one expresses anguish, people shall also say, “Hey, why such anguish for just two glasses that broke?” Even people at home shall say, “It’s okay, let them break, you sit in peace, keep quiet!” Anguish is naïve, so people come to know, but restlessness happens within.

Many bosses don’t express anguish in order to save their reputation, but internally, restlessness is deceitful and small, so it helps bind a series of accounts for next life, thus it gets all our signatures (consent) done. Those in anguish, they certainly feel the restlessness within, but where restlessness alone is there, that’s quite very dangerous.

However, where anguish and restlessness both exist, there anguish takes over, so restlessness is quite less. But these bosses do not express anguish, they remain agitated all the time. They fear that people will learn my weakness, so they do not show anguish on face, they remain anxious internally, “They broke such expensive glasses. People are here right now; once they leave, I’ll give two tight slaps to this servant, I want to fire him now”, this is what he keeps doing inside.

Therefore, one whose anguish-agitation is gone, he is called God only. Now, why is such a big state (that of God) given? Because no human being is without anguish-restlessness, therefore; anguish-restlessness, just this much is gone, then one is called God, that God is our thermometer!”

Emotional Agitation: One of the Most Dangerous Types of Anger

Emotional Agitation also is a form of anger only. Emotional Agitation means it feels as if the head is going to explode, one feels restless, distress is revealed on his face. Emotional Agitation happens when things do not happen as per one’s will. Emotional Agitation keeps you up all night. For example, if a business deal is agreed upon and later, the other person backs off, then with the thought that, “My profit is gone”, one feels the emotional agitation. In business, one loss has already occurred, and with emotional agitation, one created yet another loss. Intelligence (buddhi) causes emotional agitation.

Emotional agitation is very dangerous. One loses his consciousness during emotional agitation and so many karmas get bound. It’s not worth staying in emotional agitation even for a second. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says that man commits great crimes when in a state of emotional agitation.

Questioner: Udvega can also occur because of separation due to difference of opinions, can it not?

Dadashri: Yes, udvega can also occur because of separation due to difference of opinions. Udvega starts when everything becomes excessive; when things go beyond limits. When a man stabs someone, he does so when he experiences udvega.

Questioner: Can inner restlessness (ajumpo) be considered emotional agitation (udvega)?

Dadashri: Restlessness is much better. Restlessness occurs even when you break a glass. Restlessness is straight and simple. In udvega you feel as if someone is hitting sharp blows on your head. But inner restlessness (ajumpo) and outburst that hurts others (kadhapo) occurs even when you drop and break a glass. Udvega occurs when something major occurs. Udvega starts as soon as one becomes emotional; it does not even let one sleep.

Questioner: But do emotional people not worry more?

Dadashri: Emotional people experience more udvega not worries and with udvega they feel as if they are dying. Motion means vega and emotional means udvega.

Questioner: Now, is vega (that which is natural) also not in motion?

Dadashri: Vega (natural movement) is constantly present. Vega - motion, should always be there. Those who are living certainly have vega and they are in motion. All living entities that experience fear; that run away in fear if you touch them, all definitely have vega. But the single-sensory (ekindriya) beings like the trees and plants do not have vega. Their vega is of a different kind. But every creature has vega. They are always in vega, they are constantly in motion and when you disturb that motion, they become emotional and that is called udvega. What would happen if a train becomes emotional?

Questioner: There will be destruction. It will cause an accident and people will die.

Dadashri: That is what happens within the body. Many of the jivas (the living microorganisms) that live within the body are killed when you become emotional, and for that you incur a karmic liability and the second liability is the external problems (upadhi) that will be caused by the udvega itself.

What is emotional agitation like? It makes one jump in front of a train, makes one jump into a river or else it makes one drink some poison. Emotional agitation means motion rose, it rises up in the head, and then makes one attempt suicide. If nothing else, it empties the pesticide bottle into the stomach. ‘Hey, you emptied the bottle?’ He will say, ‘Yes I drank it all.’

A man with emotional agitation does not survive. Oh, when a person is in emotional agitation, it will not let him come to do darshan here. Emotional agitation is a very big thing. Not everyone has seen emotional agitation.

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