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Is Competition Good? Compete with Yourself Not with Others

A desire to be something and to have something makes everyone run in an endless race! In this race who do you compete with? The people who are running alongside you, behind you or the people in front of you? Naturally, you compete against the people who are running beside you.

But, is competition good? When you compete with others your concentration gets diverted and your energy gets wasted. Your goal becomes to beat the competition, instead of reaching your own goal. Therefore, your own goal gets sidelined.

In reality, you should compete with yourself. Your true competition should be with your past self and you should always strive to become better than you were yesterday. This is possible by remaining sincere to yourself and towards your goal.

This is exactly what the Gnani Purush Param Pujya Dadashri, teaches us in a practical and scientific way. Get set on your road to success without competition.

Are You Progressing or Losing in Life?

Are you progressing or losing in life? How do you live your life with purpose amidst all the chaos? Let’s find out ways to find a sense of satisfaction and redefine success.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. Is it beneficial to enter into a competition for money? Are money competitions futile?

    A. Who in the city of Mumbai must not be thinking about money day and night? There are a few... Read More

  2. Q. How to overcome fear of losing money or worries due to competition in business?

    A. Every business has gains and losses associated with it. If there are a lot of mosquitoes in your... Read More

  3. Q. How to win when someone comes to defeat me? What is the best way to win?

    A. You have done nothing but the same thing over and over again in countless past lives. Now it will... Read More

  4. Q. What to do when people bring me down when I am succeeding in life? How to deal with jealous people?

    A. In competition, the process is such that in my communities if one’s son is making progress, they... Read More

  5. Q. What are the ill effects of competition? Are you buying things out of competition? Is social competition good?

    A. What is dharmadhyan? It is to have no negative bhaav (feeling) towards anyone who causes you harm... Read More

  6. Q. Is it worth to enter a competition? Why should we be with ‘no competition’?

    A. Questioner: Everyone has a desire to be something, and here around you, we have the desire of not... Read More

  7. Q. What are the effects of competition in religion? Is religious competition or religious sectarianism worthwhile?

    A. People want liberation and yet they engage in conflicts and difference of opinions, and take sides.... Read More

  8. Q. How to get out of competition induced superiority (gurutam)? Why be humble or be in utmost humility (laghuttam)?

    A. With the yoga of gurutam one becomes heavy; he becomes gurutam. Guru means heavy and when something... Read More

  9. Q. How does competition results in criticism? What happens when you are criticizing others?

    A. Secondly, you should not criticize (do tika of) anyone; the one who criticizes, hurts himself.... Read More

  10. Q. Is there any place in this world where there is no competition?

    A. That is exactly why ‘we’ say to you, ‘all of you are right.’ There is no competition (spardha) in... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. No one has been successful in this ‘race course’. One simply dies of exhaustion from running. ‘We’ (the Gnani Purush, the enlightened one) never take part in this race. ‘We’ would simply tell, ‘Dear Man, I am not capable.’
  2. ‘We’ are telling you from ‘our’ experiences of life after life, that all the running of countless lives has been a failure and completely worthless! I have run so hard, hard enough to be sitting on the top but I have also suffered miserably in the process. Instead why not run away form this racecourse! Let us discover our true domain…it is, oh my…gigantic”!
  3. Even if you run in ‘this’ racecourse for endless lives, you will get cheated in the end; such is this world! Everything you do will go to waste. And on top of that, there is no end to the beating you will get. Instead, run away from here and find our ‘Real Place’! That, which is our ‘Original Self-form’!
  4. This is Akram Vignan [Akram Science - the stepless spiritual science of direct realization of the Self]. Once you pull out from the racecourse [competitive worldly life], your 'personality' will shine then. Those in the racecourse will never have personality; not a single person.
  5. No one has been able to win this world. That is why ‘we’ have made a very profound discovery that will help win this world. ‘‘We’ sit here defeated; if you want to win, then come [to me]’.
  6. The one who blesses the winner, after having lost himself, will attain liberation (moksha); he will become “complete”.
  7. If you try to win, you bind (create) enmity, and if you acknowledge defeat, you will be freed from enmity. 
  8. If you say that you have accepted defeat, the world will let you go. ‘We’ have discovered this. Because, we had tried to win over the world and in doing so, we had to go through many incarnations. And in the end, I said that I have acknowledged defeat and settled down.
  9. If we want to be free [get liberated], don’t compete. As long as there is competition, the other person will hide his faults and we will hide ours.
  10. Where there is competition, one cannot attain (true) 'Knowledge'.
  11. Competition is a bad company [kusang, the company which will bring our downfall].
  12. There is worldly life where there is competition and where there is no competition, there is ‘Gnan’, (true) Knowledge.
  13. Competition is a dangerous disease.
  14. By believing, ‘I am greater than everyone’, one enters into a ‘race course’ (competition) and on to the wrong path through unawareness. With laghuttam ego one gradually becomes smaller and smaller until he becomes completely laghuttam; therefore one becomes Paramatma, the absolute Self. 

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