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What should we do when someone competes with us?


In competitiveness, when comparison arises for us in the mind of the other person that “He/she has more and I have less”, it is when he starts feeling jealous of us. How do we remain aware when the other person is in competition with us or is jealous of us, that understanding we attain here.

Remain Humble

The person who competes with us sees that, “This one has assumed his big seniority, is displaying arrogance, God knows what he thinks of himself!” So, that person feels hatred towards us, competition and envy arise for us. Therefore, when we become successful and people around us come and praise us, congratulate us, yet we should always remain humble. So that no one competes with us, we should remain very, very modest. From within, we should hold onto our intent that, “I do not want to get in competition with anyone.

If we have the right understanding that we have got success in work, based on our merit karma, recalling the past failures, we think, where had my skills gone then? When the merit karma shall exhaust, there will come failure too. Hence, the ego of success automatically comes down and humbleness comes.

See Positive of the Other Person

On seeing the other person’s positive, our ego reduces on its own. Therefore, if some person competes or compares with us, then see his/her positives, also praise their positive attributes amongst people. Remain humble to the other person, “He is superior to me, I am quite small”, bearing this is mind develops humility.

Also, since we keep on casting impression on everyone, the other person feels jealous. At that time, involve the other person so that s/he also gets happy. When in our success, in our work or in our talks, we involve everyone, we keep everyone together, then our egoistic pride will automatically keep reducing. And in the other person, a feeling of competition would not arise.

The Remedy of Prayer and Inner Intent

If someone is getting competitive with us or starts comparing with us, we should not feel hatred for them. But we should remember the God residing within that person and pray that his/her pain goes away. May they attain peace.

If the other person is talking negative about us and that talk comes to us, then we should say, “Its okay. I also have weaknesses, right? If they can see it, I will improve them.” But we should never speak negative about that other person to anyone.

We should keep an inner intent that the other person also receives help, s/he meets good circumstances and the cause of their competitiveness is removed; only then we will be able to release ourselves from this. We should keep harnessing the inner that because of me, competition should not arise in anyone. Yet, if competition arises in someone, then for that, we should repent with a pure heart.

Do Not Give Any Reaction

The person in whom, because of us competition arises, will constantly try to let us down, find faults in us, and pull us down. If we feel that the other person is deliberately harassing us, even then at that time, do not react. One who wants to get out of this competition, should take the beating. No matter how much the other person harms us, hurts us, abuses us, causes us pain or harasses us, condemns us, talks negatively about us, in all of that, we should not at all react.

If the other person is competing with us, we should never say anything negative about him/her to anyone. If their negative chat is going on (somewhere by others), we should not feel happy about it.

If in someone, competitiveness arises for us, then we should remain aware that we do not get affected by it, no attachment-hatred happens inside. Because if we get affected by it, then we also will become like that other person only and will get into competition with them.

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