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How to Stop Worrying: Remain Worry Free Forever!

Why worry? Do you enjoy worrying?

“No, I want to stop worrying….”

Then try these tips on how to stop worrying:

  • Analyse whether your worries are self-invited or a reality? For example, when you worry about what people will think and you try to adapt to their expectations, that is a self-invited worry.
  • Do not get entangled in thoughts about the problem, instead focus on finding a solution.
  • If you are unable to find a solution, ask your well-wisher for advice.
  • Concentrate on the work at hand, otherwise it will ruin not only your present, but also your future.
  • If things seem out of your control and you cannot think of a solution, why worry? Stay positive and keep trying.

God has said, “Oppose adverse circumstances, look for solutions, but don't worry.”

Worry is a fire. One becomes consumed with anxieties that something bad may happen. Param Pujya Dadashri says, “Carefulness is awareness and worry is to have anxieties, which eat you up from within.” As the main cause of all the stress and worries in life is one’s own ego and sense of ‘doer-ship’, the ultimate solution to becoming worry-free would be to understand who the real ‘doer’ is in this world. The first step to achieve this knowledge is to attain Self Realization and discover the science behind doership.

Learn how to stop worrying and free yourself from the chains of worries by reading on…

Is Worry Self-invited?

Are you worrying too much? Have you ever wondered if your worries are self-invited or a reality? Worrying will only worsen your problems. How to stop overthinking and worrying?


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is worry? What is the meaning of worrying?

    A. What is the meaning of worrying? What is worry? Let’s find out the same by considering some... Read More

  2. Q. Why worry is a major problem of most people? What are the causes of anxiety and worry?

    A. We have all struggled with worries in our life. There are times when we worry more than others and... Read More

  3. Q. What is tension?

    A. Questioner: What is tension? I understand what worry is, now please explain tension? Dadashri:... Read More

  4. Q. Can I have worry free business?

    A. Questioner: I worry about my business; there are so many difficulties in my business. Dadashri:... Read More

  5. Q. Why stop worrying? What are the effects of stress and worrying?

    A. We worry because we can accept only the positive outcome of a situation and cannot handle its... Read More

  6. Q. What are the most effective steps to how to stop worrying and start living? How not to worry?

    A. Are you worried about various issues like, your job, money, health, children, aged-parents and feel... Read More

  7. Q. Should I worry about future?

    A. Are you worried about the future? We worry about the future by imagining situations that are... Read More

  8. Q. Live in present. Why worry?

    A. I've met a lot of factory owners of Ahmedabad who while dining with me, would really be lost in the... Read More

  9. Q. Why can’t I control anything in my life?

    A. Give a thought to the following questions before you determine to take control of your life when... Read More

  10. Q. How to be free from worries? Simple, Acquire Self Realization!

    A. Worries occur when you become the owner of something that is not yours, and you derive pleasure and... Read More

  11. Q. I am worried that people don’t like me and what people think about me. What do I do if someone insults me?

    A. “People don’t like me”, “what people think about me”, “what others think of me?” These are some... Read More

  12. Q. What will I do if I don’t find a job? I am worried about it.

    A. “I can’t find a job”, “I am worried about my career, living, and future,” “Will I get a job,” “What... Read More

  13. Q. How to stop feeling anxious or worried about a family member who is ill?

    A. There is no doubt that when you learn about the illness of one of your loved ones, it comes to you... Read More

  14. Q. How to get rid of worry and suspicion when my spouse is cheating on me?

    A. It is common to become suspicious and worried when you come to know that your partner is cheating... Read More

  15. Q. How do I get rid of the fear of losing everything in life?

    A. The fear of losing everything in life can be extremely debilitating. It is likely to include the... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. Worring is the greatest ego.
  2. When worries arise, know that your work will be spoiled. When worries do not arise, know that the work will be done well.
  3. The path of liberation starts the moment you stop worrying.
  4. Oppose adverse circumstances, look for solutions, but do not worry.
  5. Enjoy what is present in front of you. Do not worry about that which is not present.
  6. One has a right to think but when it results in worry, one should stop.
  7. Worries cannot go without acquiring Self Realization.
  8. Carefulness is awareness and worry is to have anxieties, which eat you up from within.
  9. Why worry about things that have happened in the past? Why worry about the things that have no solution? Any intelligent person will understand that there is no solution, so there is no need to worry."
  10. You should not take the worries of one department into the other department. Complete all the work that needs to be done in one division first, where you are.

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