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Positive Thinking: Positive Thoughts increase the Power of Positivity

‘Positive’, hearing this word gives you hope…

‘We’ win over ‘negative’ with ‘positive’ - Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan

If you want to take out air from a bottle, then you fill it with water. The air will automatically come out. In the same way, when positive thoughts and positivity is poured within you, negativity simultaneously evaporates.

Sometimes difficulties arrive in your life, but positive thinking and positive thoughts gives you the strength to face the situation, as well as remain unaffected. However, it is hard to stay positive when tragedy strikes. So, how do you prevent yourself from being drowned by your negative circumstances? Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, “Adopt one principle in life; always remain positive, never support negative. Whenever any negativity arises, remain silent.” 

Even using negative speech for anyone, creates negative vibrations. These vibrations not only affect us, causing us to lose our peace of mind, but also the peace of mind of the opposite person. If we see the other person’s positives and have positive thoughts, then we will experience peace and so will they.

In addition, Param Pujya Dadashri tells people that they should never say, “I cannot do…,” and go into self-negativity, because within them, they have infinite strength. I tell them to keep repeating the following: “I have infinite strength.” Through proper understanding and applying Param Pujya Dadashri’s Spiritual Science of Akram Vignan, we are able to know how to be positive, how to have positive thoughts and how to stay positive during difficult times, as well as achieve the ultimate state of bliss.

Power of Positivity

Let's understand the power of positive thinking and how to foster a positive mindset in our daily life.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. Why Positive gives happiness and negative gives unhappiness?

    A. Positive Effect of Positive Words A man once asked me, “When will my speech become as pleasant as... Read More

  2. Q. What are the effects of negative words and positive words ?

    A. Should we find understanding of other people? Some people tell their elders that they have no... Read More

  3. Q. After Self Realization, how does our vision broaden to deal with a negative circumstance and see its positive side?

    A. Bitter circumstances can be made sweet Dadashri: How is your mother’s health? Questioner:... Read More

  4. Q. Why negative things happened with me? How positive energy and negative energy play their roles?

    A. What is the energy that controls the results? Questioner:  My life was very happy with my wife, I... Read More

  5. Q. The one that is negative, gradually becomes positive. What is the reason behind this?

    A. When one comes to know about the correct positive… Questioner:  Dada, but it is such that the... Read More

  6. Q. Is positivity the side of God?

    A. Positive line is the side of God Questioner: Can a person with negativity become an atheist... Read More

  7. Q. What are the results of positive ego and negative ego?

    A. Three keys to becoming happy In short, the (wrong belief) of ‘I am *Chandubhai,’ (aropit bhaav) is... Read More

  8. Q. What should be the limits of negative thoughts?

    A. There is an abundance of energy inside. He says that I can’t do it, and then the outcome will be... Read More

  9. Q. How to eliminate negative thoughts with positive thoughts?

    A. Eliminate negative through positive Questioner: But as one thinks positive then good thing will... Read More

  10. Q. Does the open mind help to become positive? Is open mind a positive mind?

    A. Open mind is a positive attribute Whoever keeps an open mind that person has understood. How much... Read More

  11. Q. How to be Positive ?

    A. Profit even during the time of loss through enlightened view Lord Mahavira taught His disciples... Read More

  12. Q. After Self Realization, does life turn toward positive?

    A. Awareness is that which shows one’s own fault Questioner: After attaining self realization (Gnan)... Read More

  13. Q. How to Boost the Power of Positivity

    A. All of us have experienced the tugs and pulls of both positivity as well as negativity at some... Read More

Spiritual Quotes on Positivity

  1. In this world, only the ‘positive’ will give you happiness; the ‘negative’ will give you nothing but a great deal of grief (dukh).
  2. If you are getting bad news since four-five days about your business and if you see a postman coming in then your mind will immediately show you that, ‘What news will be there today?’ What should you do there? You should remain positive that you will get good news today. If you open the letter and you see news about a serious loss calling for grieving (kaan) then you should leave it on a side. But you should keep a positive approach.
  3. Every matter in this world is to be taken in a positive way. If you turn towards the negative, you will go in the wrong direction and cause others to do the same.
  4. You have to see just one thing the “positive”. The world is the path of the positive and the  negative. Sooner or later, it will make the negative into positive. So why not make it positive right from the start?
  5. Instead of wasting so much time trying to break the negative, why not automatically join the positive right away? waste time in trying to push away bad deeds (bad karmas)?
  6. There are only two things, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’. If you remain negative, whom would nature help? We should not have ‘negative’ in our dictionary.
  7. ‘We’ win over ‘negative’ with ‘positive’.
  8. There is tremendous energy in the word ‘yes’ and tremendous weakness in the word ‘no’.
  9. The world is stuck because of the word ‘no’.
  10. Those who say ‘no’ are on the side of the pudgal (the worldly self) and those who say ‘yes’ are on the side of moksha (ultimate liberation).
  11. Satsang means the coming together (yog) of the eternal (sat); it is the coming together of good things, of positive things. And the coming together of negative things causes misery.
  12. One who speaks ‘completely’ negative creates karmic obstructions (antray) and ‘positive’ does not create any obstruction (antray).
  13. Always speak in a positive manner because there is a Soul within the person you are talking to. When something positive happens, it is wrong to say anything negative about it. All these problems arise because one states the negative in that which is positive. And whenever you say, “No harm done,” the instant you say this, tremendous changes take place from within. So always speak positively.

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