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What is Honesty?

Honesty is the highest form of religion because it is in accordance with God’s principles. Honesty should be like your shadow, it should follow you around wherever you go. If you apply this simple key in your life then you will experience happiness. That is why honesty is the best policy. Param Pujya Dadashri has given this unique perspective, “Dishonesty is the best foolishness.” You might think to yourself, in this day and age, how can you go about living an honest life? The way to overcome dishonesty is to recognize it as dishonesty and repent for it. Without doubt, the one who repents is an honest person, in this era.

The more honest you are, the more pure you become. As much purity as you have within, your external circumstances will be that much more favorable. These favorable circumstances will bring peace and happiness into your life. On the other hand, inner impurity leads to unfavorable external circumstances. This is the law of nature.

Purity attracts the whole world. Purity in worldly interaction can involve purity of money, speech, character as well as purity of intent. One attains liberation when one becomes pure – free from all kashays (anger, pride, deceit, and greed).

You will be surprised to know the science behind Honesty and Purity, which has been unleashed here.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is the law of money? What are the consequences of using black money? And how can you make more money by honest means?

    A. Lakshmiji will remain as long as dishonest means are not employed. She will leave the moment... Read More

  2. Q. What is the liability incurred for stealing money and using dishonest ways to make money?

    A. Questioner: Why is there a shortage of money? Dadashri: Money does not come because of stealing.... Read More

  3. Q. Why should I earn money ethically? Can honest money give me peace of mind?

    A. What does nature say? It is not concerned with how much money you spend, it is only concerned with... Read More

  4. Q. Is being straightforward with crooked people considered stupidity? How should one deal with selfish people?

    A. What if we become crooked with a crooked person?                   Questioner: The world is... Read More

  5. Q. How can I run an ethical business despite my unethical behavior? How can I be honest while being dishonest?

    A. Many times, I am unethical. How can I be ethical? In your business, do not take anything that is... Read More

  6. Q. Purity and Liberation – How are they scientifically connected? Is Liberation the ultimate result of Purity?

    A. Liberation through Akram Vignan  Questioner: I have the inner intent (bhavna) of going to moksha,... Read More

  7. Q. How does a pure chit lead to karma purification? Can honesty result in pure worldy interactions?

    A. Purity of Chit Verily is the Spiritual Accomplishment  Questioner: How can karma be purified... Read More

  8. Q. How can one attain a pure chit - state of Sat Chit Anand?

    A. Sat Chit Anand Questioner: How can one attain purity of the chit? Dadashri: You are purifying the... Read More

  9. Q. What are the effects of spoken words? How can one speak effectively and attain purity in speech?

    A. Questioner: Sometimes when we see the view-point of the other person as wrong, then our speech... Read More

  10. Q. What are the signs of pure money? What are the consequences of impure or wrong money?

    A. If the money is pure and right, then you will always be at peace and your life will be good.... Read More

  11. Q. How can one become a Pure Person?

    A. Questioner: What should one do to attain purity (shuddhata)? Dadashri: If you try to ‘do’... Read More

  12. Q. What is the power of Sheel that arises from purity? What are the qualities of its aura power?

    A. Power of Worldly Interactive Conduct of a Sheelvan The aura of influence (prabhav) of Sheel is... Read More

  13. Q. What is the Pure Soul? How does it differ from the Soul or Atma? How does the Applied Awareness of the Pure Soul lead to Purity?

    A. Say Shuddhatma – Pure Soul, for Purity to Prevail Questioner: Why do you say pure Soul... Read More

  14. Q. Who is a Sheelvaan? What are the characteristics of the speech of a Sheelvan and a Charitravaan?

    A. Power of Words of a Sheelvan All the knowledge of this world is shushkagnan (knowledge that does... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. All one needs is honesty and a mutually obliging nature - that is all. Do only that which is beneficial for human life. There are only two kinds of people who have no worries; one is a Gnani Purush and the other is the one who obliges others.
  2. When everyone around is being robbed, but if there is as honest man in their midst, he will never be robbed. The thieves themselves will not be able to rob such a man. That is the kind of “safe-side” there is in this world.
  3. Honesty is the best policy and dishonesty is the best foolishness.
  4. The Lord has said that it is better to receive what is coming to you through honest means, be it good or bad. A simple meal or even torn clothes you have earned yourself are better than acquiring anything through dishonest means.
  5. There is no problem if you earn money honestly and ethically. You are hurting only yourself if you bring money by dishonest means. When you die that money will be left behind because nature will confiscate it. Moreover, in your next life you will still have to suffer the inevitable consequences of your actions.
  6. If someone tells me: ‘I do not want any religion, I want worldly happiness’. I would tell him to practice honesty and ethical. I would not tell him to go to the temples. Giving to others is the religion of a celestial being. Not taking what belong to others is the religion of man. Therefore honesty is the highest religion of all.
  7. Dishonesty is the best foolishness. It is not possible to be honest all the time, but if one understands that it is wrong to be dishonest and does pratikraman for it, then his next life will be happy. A person is surely honest when he repents.
  8. If your money is not good, then it will go towards a bad cause. Honest money will go towards a good cause and dishonest money will go towards a bad cause!
  9. Where purity of heart is there, one feels unity with everyone.
  10. If there is only one pure person, so many people’s work will get done! Hence, one’s own purity is needed.
  11. The chit becomes impure when one steals and, by repenting, the very same chit becomes pure again. Impurity of the chit remains in the world because of failure to repent.
  12. For purity in worldly interaction, if you interact with others without hurting anyone, then that is considered purity of worldly interactions. Do not hurt anyone, even in the slightest, and if anyone hurts you, suffer it, but under no circumstances shouldyou hurt anyone.
  13. To constantly remain as the Self, is charitra (atma charitra; real conduct). This state of absolute purity (shuddha dasha) is oneness with all (abhedta). In this state, one sees the Self in all (atma vat sarva bhuteshu). That is absolute purity abounding everywhere.
  14. Moksha (ultimate liberation) cannot be attained until purity arises. To attain purity one has to realize ‘Who am I?’
  15. As much purity one has within, his external circumstances will be that much more favorable. As much impurity there is within, there will be a corresponding amount of unfavorable external circumstances.

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