Related Questions

What is the liability incurred for stealing money and using dishonest ways to make money?

Questioner: Why is there a shortage of money?

Dadashri: Money does not come because of stealing. Where there is no stealing through the mind, speech or body, money is abundant. Stealing is an obstacle to wealth. Deception and money are enemies. When a person stops stealing overtly he will take birth in a noble family. Deception is subtle stealing and that is regarded as severe raudradhyan, the consequence of which is a life in hell. There should be absolutely no deception. A shopkeeper may take pleasure in selling adulterated goods; he tells his customers that his goods are pure and of the highest quality, and when you question him about his tactics, he insists and says: ‘This is the only way to do business’ – that is deception. A person who has the desire to be honest can say to his customers, ‘My wish is to sell only the best but this is what my goods are like so take them if you want’. By merely stating this, he is freed from any liability.

People remain honest as long as they do not get the taste of black money. Once they start dealing with black money dishonesty creeps in. 

Reference: Book Excerpt: The Science of Money (Page #22 - Paragraph #3 to #5)

The State of Detachment

No one shares in the liability incurred in conducting business dishonestly. These ‘bags of intellect’, the egoistic businessmen, will keep indulging in misdeeds. The father tells his children he is stealing in order to make money for them and the children tell him he can do so if he wants but they do not want money earned from such dealings. Even his wife tells him that all his life he has been dishonest and that he should now stop, but does he listen? No he will not.

From the moment man learns to give, his intellect will turn positive and good. He has not learnt to give in countless previous lives. He does not like to let go of that which has been used and is now simply refuse, such is the nature of a human being. He has a habit of only accumulating and hoarding. Even when he was an animal, he was taking but never giving. He turns towards the path of liberation from the time he learns to give.

The moment he receives a cheque he thinks to himself: ‘I will get the money as soon as I deposit this cheque. ’The cheque he receives was predestined; these are benefits of past good deeds he is reaping today. What effort did he make in reaping these benefits? People will say ‘I earned the money because I worked so hard’. I say you only deposited a cheque. Where is the effort in it? Besides you only get the amount on the cheque, do you get any more from it?

Reference: Book Name: The Science of Money (Page #73 - Paragraph #3 to #5, Page #74 - Paragraph #1)

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