Questioner: Shrimad Rajchandraji has written in the Atma siddhi:
‘Atma ni shanka kare Atma potey aap, Shanka no karnaar tey, acharaj eh amaap.’
The existence of the Soul is suspected by the Soul itself, This is verily a matter of immeasurable amazement.
Who has suspicions about the Soul, is it the Soul or is it the (buddhi) intellect?
Dadashri: Suspicions about the Soul are done by the Soul itself; the intellect is not the one doing the suspecting. By the Soul, ‘we’ mean the Soul that is in your belief or projection and not the main Soul; the two are completely separate. What you call the Atma (Soul), is the Atma that is associated with the intellect and the ego. The ego, the intellect etc., collectively begin to have suspicions about the main Soul. What kind of suspicions do they have? ‘It does not seem like the main Soul. It does not feel like that.’ They have suspicions and uncertainties about what the Soul must be like.
Questioner: So besides the intellect, the Atma is there too, is it associated with the intellect?
Dadashri: What do you or the world currently believe the soul to be? One believes ‘I am Chandulal. The intellect is mine. The ego is mine. I myself am the Soul and I have to make the Soul pure.’ That is what one believes. He does not realize that the main Soul is pure (shuddha) indeed and all other things that have a form are things that have been created. Therefore, the ego is in all this, the intellect is there too and that is what creates suspicions. The intellect (buddhi) alone does not create suspicions; the intellect along with the ego creates suspicions.
That is the one who does the suspecting. “The existence of the Soul is suspected by the Soul (i.e. the charged Soul with ego and intellect) itself.”
One is the Soul and he has suspicions about his own Self. So besides ‘him’, who else would have suspicion? Neither the complex of anger-pride-attachment-greed nor the mind or the intellect does the suspecting. It is the Soul (non-Self realized) that has suspicions about the Soul. It is a wonder it says. It suspects its own self. The ignorance in one has pervaded to such an extent that he begins to suspect his own existence: ‘do I or do I not exist?’ That is what he is trying to say. This is a beautiful quote from Krupadudev but only if one understands it.
Chandulal* = Whenever Dadashri uses the name 'Chandulal' or the name of the person Dadashri is addressing, the reader should insert his or her name for exact understanding.
1) When a person starts thinking, ‘I wonder what the Soul is like? Is it like this or like that?’ the Lord called this state samyaktva mohaniya (delusional state of identity with ego which has understood the separate existence of the Real Self and strives to achieve that state; fascination of the real).
2) The essence of human life is to come into one's nature of the Self (Soul), get awakened and remain only in "Self".
3) Currently everyone is in mithyatva mohaniya (delusional state of residing in, and identifying with, and existence as the ego) and mishra mohaniya (delusional state of existence which is a mixture of alternating state between samyaktva and mithyatva), both the states are that of being deluded by the illusion that this world is real.
4) A man in whom samyaktva mohaniya arises, the Lord would call him a great soul. But here man considers himself something great if he has a house and some land; he considers himself so fortunate that he rubs his belly with contentment, belches with satisfaction and falls asleep.
Book Name: Aptavani 9 (Page #141 - Entire Page; Page #142 - Paragraphs #1 to #3)
Q. What should you do to overcome the fear of police and fear of court?
A. Generally, everyone has fear of police and court. When police knock our door, we get a strange... Read More
Q. What are the causes of fear?
A. If we understand the causes of fear, we automatically get the solutions then, to get out of the... Read More
Q. How to overcome fear of humiliation?
A. In previous questions, we learnt regarding the fear of external objects and situations. However,... Read More
Q. How to overcome fear of failure?
A. In every phase of life, the fear of failure harasses us. When in school or college, we experience... Read More
Q. Are ghosts real: Overcoming fear of ghosts and ghostly possession
A. Overcoming Fear of Ghosts We have watched a horror movie at night or have heard a ghost story... Read More
Q. Are there good fears that are beneficial?
A. There is nothing to be afraid of in this life. Yet, there are some matters where maintaining fear... Read More
Q. How to overcome the fear of insects and fear of animals?
A. Most people have fear of insects such as cockroaches and spiders and fear of animals such as... Read More
Q. Do you have a fear of loss in your business?
A. Within you lies infinite strength. The one with infinite strength will ask you, 'So Chandubhai*,... Read More
Q. Do children improve through fear or love?
A. Questioner : Children here are very argumentative and when we talk to them, they tell us, 'Why are... Read More
Q. Should parents exercise the fear of power over their children?
A. Questioner : Your words have such a strong impact on our lives. That which could not be solved by... Read More
Q. Does the world improve through fear or love?
A. Speak in such a manner that the other person's ego does not arise. Whenever you say anything to... Read More
A. The gluttonous intense greed (lalacha) will disappear once he makes a resolution, 'I do not want... Read More
Q. How does excessive intellect give rise to suspicion?
A. Questioner: Why does a man with lot of buddhi (intellect) have more suspicion? Dadashri: He can... Read More
Q. What is the connection between fear and suspicion?
A. Questioner: Is there a connection between fear and suspicion? Dadashri: Suspicion gives rise to... Read More
Q. How does a strong mind help to keep fear and suspicion away?
A. Do not initiate any task that invites suspicion. Wherever suspicion occurs, do not proceed with... Read More
Q. Is fearlessness (nirbhayata) a result of being completely suspicionless (nihshankta)?
A. Wherever there is suspicion, there is misery. And 'I am pure Soul', is the state of... Read More
Q. When will my suspicions leave?
A. Questioner: I am not saying that I have become free from suspicions, but suspicion does not arise... Read More
Q. How can one become free from suspicion?
A. Questioner: I do not want to be suspicious about anyone, but despite this, if it occurs, how can I... Read More
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