Related Questions

Are there good fears that are beneficial?


There is nothing to be afraid of in this life. Yet, there are some matters where maintaining fear is good. These are good fears. In those matters, we need to be cautious rather than fearful, because if caution is not there, we will be in trouble.

Fear of Wrong Doings

Generally, if we have done something wrong, we feel afraid. When we have stolen something; we have snatched away something from someone, have secretly done bad deeds, then we feel afraid of being caught. But if we are clean (honest), then there is no need to have fear.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says that, “Those who want to do good, don’t need to be afraid. Those who want to do bad, no matter how much s/he doesn’t get scared, they will never get anywhere. Therefore, we must decide that we want to do good only.”

Fear of the Consequences of Wrong Doings

One must maintain a fear of stealing, lying, deceiving, corruption, betrayal, enjoying illicit money and sex, adulterating food or medicine, or addictions like smoking or drinking, because it results into a very big fault and it brings terrible consequences. All these are good fears. Before committing the faults, with the very thought of its consequences, if one refrains from doing that wrong act, then that fear is good.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, when my mind is tempted to steal, immediately the consequences get visible. So, I feel scared. Hence, I cannot steal only.” Therefore, if the consequences of the wrong-doings have been understood in detail, then the wrong-doing gets over for sure.

Fear of Hurting Others!

It is worth having the fear of hurting others. One should be afraid of committing sins, but there is nothing else to be afraid of. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, in this world, what should one be afraid of? One should be afraid of having an intention of causing pain to others. If you want to be happy, then do not hurt anyone.

Suppose we are scolding someone. If someone records the full video of it and then complains about us, we feel afraid. Someone will tape the external machinery - our speech and behavior, we feel scared about that. But we do not understand that even inside a human being, machines only are at work. Our words are being taped only in the other person’s mind. A big risk comes onto us. Those words shall get imprinted on the other person’s heart, with that, the other person’s ego shall get hurt. Then, that person may hold a grudge and take revenge, but we do not fear that.

Therefore, if you want to talk about someone, speak good of people; do not speak bad at all. Even in the person’s absence, if we say anything bad about him/her that hurts them, then we only will have to suffer the bitter consequences. Hence, having the fear of causing slightest pain to any living being is beneficial.

Take Precaution, Do Not Fear

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, “You have hatred towards wrong doing; you do not like wrong-doing; therefore, you feel afraid. That fear is good. There is no harm in it. Being afraid of wrong doing is good.” Here, we get a good understanding, given by Dadashri.

Dadashri: Since we have a fear of wrong happening, so wrong won’t happen with our hands. The fear that wrong may happen is protection. It’s not fear; it’s precaution. Not a fear. Precaution is not a fear. Did you understand?

Questioner: Please explain a little more.

Dadashri: If we are sitting on the edge of the well, we have a fear of falling. Why is that fear? Because we have to take precautions. Or else we may fall if we do not take precaution. At night, if one has to face a situation of sleeping on the edge of a well, then one should take precaution to avoid falling and then sleep. One sleeps carefully so that one does not fall, and if one sleeps carelessly, then one will fall.

For example, when we are driving, we do not close our eyes. We drive with our eyes open, so that it does not meet an accident. That fear is a form of precaution (carefulness). In case, the car meets an accident sometime, even then, be careful next time, but not afraid.

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