In every phase of life, the fear of failure harasses us. When in school or college, we experience this fear in exams, sports or other activities. Going ahead, it is the fear of exam failure, career failure, job failure, business failure, or of failure in the race of maintaining prestige or position in the society that is harassing us. Here are practical ways of how to overcome fear of failure.
Especially the kids and young, they get worrisome and restless a day before their exams, while some end up having fever! When writing the paper, due to stress, they forget what one has read. Even intelligent boys and girls get depressed in the fear that they won’t do well in exams, and eventually decide they don’t want to give exams. Some students get so trapped in the fear of failure that even before results come, they think of shortening their life.
Failing once does not mean it is the end of the world. Before giving exams, while studying, study with concentration, work hard as much as necessary. But then, while giving exams or after giving exams, there’s no need to worry at all. Because by worrying, the result will not change or improve. Actually, the law of Nature is such that if we are worried, then our task will definitely get spoiled, and when we are not worried, then our task will be successful.
If the result is bad, there’s no need to be sad. Give exams once again. Decide that we will prepare even better and will heartily work harder now. Thereafter whatever result comes, it is not in our hands, so accept it. This is the most practical way of how to overcome fear of failure.
The fear of failure in job, in business, or in any career field gives rise to worries. In those worries, one loses sleep for many nights. In career, failure manifests in many different forms. Incurring a loss in business or being fired from job are apparent failures. Furthermore, not succeeding in a job interview, not getting a promotion, or unable to get raise are also considered as failures according to people.
Professionally, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan was into construction business. Once, he too incurred a loss in business. As a result, worries began and he couldn’t sleep all night. But he was intelligent; so his thinking commenced that this loss is mine or of the business? In the profit of this business, all the family members are partners, then when loss happened, why I alone am responsible? If this loss also is distributed among the family members and partners, then how much of it will come on my part? Only that much worrying I am entitled to.
Due to fear of failure in business, one must not begin with immorality, dishonesty, or corruption. Especially, adulteration of food or medicines constitutes a heinous crime. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says that “If you want to run a business, then from now on, run it without fear. Don’t harbor any fear and run your business justly. Practice as much justice as possible. Be ethical as far as possible, you do not need to strive for that which is impossible. The concept that makes one free of fear is an activity worth doing.”
If a false fear of failure arises, try remembering the success you had gained in earlier years. If earlier, in a similar manner, worry and fear had arisen regarding any matter, yet the outcome had been good only; then learn from that experience that if we had succeeded earlier, then now also we shall. This is an easy way for how to overcome fear of failure.
Many a times, people give up trying out of a fear of failing. For example, upon failing once in the exams, one decides I do not want to give the exam ever again. Or, instead of preparing for the next exam, one gets distracted towards an adverse path and wastes away the time. Instead of doing that, even after a failure, once again try sincerely.
There will be ups and downs in life, but don’t get disturbed in that. For example, if you have to drive the car and go from Mumbai to Ahmedabad, you leave from home and just a furlong away, you meet a lot of traffic. So, you come back home saying, “There’s a lot of traffic, rather I don’t want to go only!” If we keep some patience, the traffic will get cleared. If we meet failure in any matter, or the result does not come as expected, then we’ll put aside that particular result and once again start our hard work afresh. Pray to the God you believe in, and ask for strength. Then, figure out where lies the weakness, and make improvements there right from scratch.
If you’ve worked very hard, and yet happen to fail, even then, don’t get disheartened; instead, have a positive attitude that, ‘Why wouldn’t it happen? Let us try at least!’ and continue with your efforts. This is an effortless start to overcome fear of failure.
If complete success is what we have in mind, then we cannot bear even a small failure. But if we are prepared for a total failure, then we can remain fine even with a small success.
For instance, we have to go for a job interview and we are fully prepared in every way. However internally, we maintain that, “I will do my best. Thereafter, whether I get the job or not, I am prepared for both the outcomes.” If we then get the job, we feel very happy. But if we are sitting with an idea that, “I am definitely going to get this job”, and if we do not get the job, then we will be devastated.
Therefore, be prepared for failure in every endeavor. This doesn’t mean that we don’t make any efforts for success. We should make our efforts with complete dedication. But by having such internal adjustment along, we remain prepared for unfavorable outcomes and we do not get discouraged by failure.
Q. What should you do to overcome the fear of police and fear of court?
A. Generally, everyone has fear of police and court. When police knock our door, we get a strange... Read More
Q. What are the causes of fear?
A. If we understand the causes of fear, we automatically get the solutions then, to get out of the... Read More
Q. How to overcome fear of humiliation?
A. In previous questions, we learnt regarding the fear of external objects and situations. However,... Read More
Q. Are ghosts real: Overcoming fear of ghosts and ghostly possession
A. Overcoming Fear of Ghosts We have watched a horror movie at night or have heard a ghost story... Read More
Q. Are there good fears that are beneficial?
A. There is nothing to be afraid of in this life. Yet, there are some matters where maintaining fear... Read More
Q. How to overcome the fear of insects and fear of animals?
A. Most people have fear of insects such as cockroaches and spiders and fear of animals such as... Read More
Q. Do you have a fear of loss in your business?
A. Within you lies infinite strength. The one with infinite strength will ask you, 'So Chandubhai*,... Read More
Q. Do children improve through fear or love?
A. Questioner : Children here are very argumentative and when we talk to them, they tell us, 'Why are... Read More
Q. Should parents exercise the fear of power over their children?
A. Questioner : Your words have such a strong impact on our lives. That which could not be solved by... Read More
Q. Does the world improve through fear or love?
A. Speak in such a manner that the other person's ego does not arise. Whenever you say anything to... Read More
A. The gluttonous intense greed (lalacha) will disappear once he makes a resolution, 'I do not want... Read More
Q. How does excessive intellect give rise to suspicion?
A. Questioner: Why does a man with lot of buddhi (intellect) have more suspicion? Dadashri: He can... Read More
Q. What is the connection between fear and suspicion?
A. Questioner: Is there a connection between fear and suspicion? Dadashri: Suspicion gives rise to... Read More
Q. How does a strong mind help to keep fear and suspicion away?
A. Do not initiate any task that invites suspicion. Wherever suspicion occurs, do not proceed with... Read More
Q. Is fearlessness (nirbhayata) a result of being completely suspicionless (nihshankta)?
A. Wherever there is suspicion, there is misery. And 'I am pure Soul', is the state of... Read More
Q. When will my suspicions leave?
A. Questioner: I am not saying that I have become free from suspicions, but suspicion does not arise... Read More
Q. How can one become free from suspicion?
A. Questioner: I do not want to be suspicious about anyone, but despite this, if it occurs, how can I... Read More
Q. Who has suspicions about the existence of the Soul?
A. Questioner: Shrimad Rajchandraji has written in the Atma siddhi: ‘Atma ni shanka kare Atma potey... Read More
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