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Why Are We Still Here Just to Suffer? Is the Fault of the Sufferer?

In life, there are times when you get punished for something that you have not done, while the real culprit roams free. When this happens, you question, “Why did this happen?”, “Why has it happened to me?”, “I have not made a mistake, so why do I have to suffer?” And when you do not find the answers to these questions you become puzzled and upset.

Do you think Nature’s Law is such that if we are not at fault we still have to suffer? No, right? Then, why are we still here just to suffer?

In the winter, when it is extremely cold and you get sick, at that time if you asked the winter, “Why did you make me sick?” The winter would reply, “If you did not take care of yourself, then what should I do?” So in reality who is at fault? The one who is suffering.

Param Pujya Dadashri says, “Once the faults are gone, no one in this world, no event in this world, will have the power to give us any suffering.”

In the book “Fault is of the Sufferer”, Param Pujya Dadashri beautifully explains the mysteries behind the suffering caused due to faults. This will help solve the readers' puzzle and help put a permanent end to the question, 'Why do we suffer?'

Why Do I Have to Suffer?

I always help others and do good to others but I get nothing in return. Why do I have to suffer in life despite doing all good? Why is life so unfair to me? Why people don’t treat me nicely?


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. Why do I suffer?

    A. Dadashri: Everyday you read about theft and various other crimes in the newspapers, but you should... Read More

  2. Q. Where am I wrong?

    A. Whenever we have to endure suffering when there is no apparent mistake on our part, we feel hurt... Read More

  3. Q. Why people don't understand me?

    A. Questioner: Some people just do not understand, even though our behavior towards them is very... Read More

  4. Q. Who is at fault?

    A. Dadashri: A mother-in-law is constantly harassing her daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law is... Read More

  5. Q. Whose fault is it? Doctor or Patient

    A. A doctor makes a house call for a very sick patient. The doctor gives the patient an injection for... Read More

  6. Q. Who suffers the most?

    A. Dadashri:  The one who has more faults is the one who suffers more in the world. You merely have to... Read More

  7. Q. Why does God allow suffering?

    A. Dadashri: Everything in this world runs exactly and precisely; this is no lie. The world is kept in... Read More

  8. Q. How to end suffering?

    A. Questioner:  Should one tolerate or find solution? Dadashri: It has been said that one should... Read More

  9. Q. Who is responsible for my suffering?

    A. Dadashri: Whose mistake is it? It is the sufferer's. What is the mistake? The mistake is his belief... Read More

  10. Q. What is just and unjust?

    A. 'The fault is of the sufferer,' is a hidden truth. Here if you use your intellect, it will not... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. The law of nature is completely just, but because one does not understand it, he does not accept it. When one's understanding becomes pure, he will be able to accept nature's justice. As long as one has a selfish outlook, justice cannot be seen.
  2. If your finger gets stuck in the gears of a machine, is the machine at fault? You will realize that the fault is your own. Similarly everyone around you is like a machine.
  3. The person who throws the stone is not at fault, but the person who is injured is at fault. No matter how unruly and misbehaved children around you are, no matter what pranks they play, if it does not bother you, then you are not a fault. If it affects you, then you must understand that it is your fault.
  4. If two people get into a disagreement and one accuses the other of cheating him, then the one being accused will not be able to sleep at night. The other person will sleep soundly. If the person being accused remembers Dada's sentence, 'The fault is of the sufferer,' then he will be able to sleep peacefully. Otherwise he will spend sleepless nights cursing the other person.
  5. Once you understand that the fault is of the sufferer, there will be no quarrels at home.
  6. In God's language : 'The fault is of the sufferer,' but according to the world and man's laws, the person who commits the crime is at fault. Do not conduct yourself in a way that will render you guilty in the eyes of God. This means do not see the fault in others.
  7. The one who has more faults is the one who suffers more in the world. You merely have to see who is suffering to know who is at fault.
  8. You can determine how much you were at fault by the amount of suffering you have to endure.
  9. People blame others when they are suffering, and by doing this they double their faults and their problems in life keep increasing.
  10. If a man remembers this sentence throughout his life and applies it to his life's circumstances with the correct understanding, he would not need a guru. These words alone will take him to moksha (final Liberation).

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