People sit to meditate, but do they have a goal in mind?
They haven't even visualized the goal, so what can they meditate on, a buffalo? To meditate without a goal is called updhyan. God has not instructed anyone to meditate on the Soul in the form of words. What is the definition of ultimate meditation? It is when you have the awareness of all the characteristics (guna) of the soul at a time. The attributes of the Soul is called dhyeya (aim or goal) and when you yourself become dhyata (the one who has the attributes), only then can your meditation be called dhyan. All this cannot remain in your awareness at the same time. These people cannot attain samadhi (a state free of all effects from the non-self) when they are in aadhi (mental agony) by day, vyadhi (physical suffering) by night and during a wedding, in upadhi (problems brought on by others)?
Questioner: They tell us to focus our attention on our breathing, exhalation and inhalation. What is the benefit?
Dadashri: What do they tell you to do? They tell you to concentrate on the air that flows in and out of your nostrils. Breaths flow in and out, but what in the dickens are you going to do with that focus? What in the dickens do your nostrils have anything to do with it? Let go of this foolishness! Why don't you do this when you get an asthma attack? How can you? They say that when the breath goes in, it makes the sound 'so' and upon exhalation it sounds like 'hum'. From that you get 'sohum' 'sohum', 'humso', 'humso', and they tell you to meditate on that. But the Soul is neither 'sohum' nor 'humso'. The Soul is not to be found in that word. Vitarag Lords have used the word 'Atma' as a way for us to understand the Soul in a word form. However, the Soul is not to be found in Books or in the scriptures, here only the word 'Atma' is to be found. The real or true Atma is to be found only with the Gnani. Do you think that by observing your breaths in and out, you will remain in samadhi? No. What happens there? The mind gets destroyed. The mind is like a boat; it is necessary to cross the ocean of the worldly life and reach across to the other shore. Meditating as the Self is the true meditation. And the other thing is that if you keep dhyan (pay attention) in making khichadee, then your khichadee will be ready for you eat. Just keep these two dhyans. All others are crazy (useless) meditations. If one remains in the dhyan of 'Dada' it is fine, even if he does not have any other understanding, because he will then become 'that'. The Gnani Purush is your own Self; therefore, you will gradually become that.
Attaining the Soul is atmadhyan i.e. meditation as the Self. And in worldly meditation you are to meditate on the work at hand. For example while cooking pay attention to the items of food that you are cooking. All other dhyans being taught elsewhere become burdensome. Meditation is only meant for those who suffer from an agitated mind, but where is it necessary for others? Who knows where this kind of meditation will lead one?
The Lord has said for one to pay attention to (dhyan) one's meals and one's husband in the relative life, and if not these then the Self. Besides, what will you do with all other dhyans? Why do you need other dhyans for internal peace? All others are meditations that have nothing to do with the Self. They merely sound pleasing to the ear. Some people find it pleasant to their mind and for others it appeals to their intellect. It all depends on one's mind
1) Yama, niyam, asana, pranayam, pratyahaar, dharna, dhyan and samadhi are eight parts of the Yoga. When you attain knowledge of the Self through Akram Vignan, you have already surpassed all these eight stages. Beyond these eight steps, you have even attained the awareness of the Soul (your own Self).
2) There are two types of meditation. One is the meditation associated with the body complex (pudgal), such as meditation of the kundalini (corporeal energy), meditation of a guru, meditation of a mantra, etc., and the other type of meditation is the meditation as the Self. This meditation leads to the nirvikalp samadhi (the egoless state).
1) Dadashri: People try to meditate (dhyan) upon so many things. Allya! Just decided upon the dheya (the goal), then the meditation (dhyan) will automatically focus on that. If you decide that you want to to go Borivali, then what will your mind bear?
Questioner: Borivali of course.
Dadashri: If you decide upon a goal (dheya) then your mind will meditate (dhyan) on that. But if you try to do the meditation, it will not occur; meditation never occurs when the ego is behind it. Meditation is a result (effect).
2) What is true dharma dhyan (righteous or true meditation)?
Is it doing worship, prayer, penance, samayik (introspection), repentance and listening to religious talks? No. All those are overt and tangible acts of rituals; they are material practices. However, what is of importance and becomes recorded as one's karma is where one's dhyan i.e. one's attention or inner intent lies while one is conducting such rituals. While worshipping God, if one pictures God in his mind along with the picture of his shop or his business or the shoes he left outside the temple, how can that be called true meditation.
The Lord does not take into consideration your external actions but rather your inner attentive intent during all your activities (kriya). The actions being carried out at present are the result of the meditation (dhyan) done in your past life. These actions are indicative of your independent efforts (purusharth) in your previous life, whereas the present day meditation (innerdhyan) is the independent effort for the next life, in other words it is the 'design' for your next life!
Read more about meditations outcomes and benefit.
Book Name: Aptavani 2 : Page # 328 paragraph #2 to Page 330 paragraph # 1
Q. What are different types of yoga and meditation?
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