Akram Vignan is a practically applied spiritual science and is a ‘shortcut’ path to liberation.
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Located 20 kms from Ahmedabad, Simandhar City is a place for spiritual progress. It is known as “A Clean City, Green City & Pure City!!!”
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The only thing the Lord asks is whether You were attentive (in dhyan) or inattentive (bedhyan). Yes, there was no inattentiveness (bedhyan). One was aware of 'I can't do it,' and the other person had the awareness (dhyan) of 'I can do it.' There are no other issues. It is one and the same thing, whether You look at it this way or that way. If you were to turn and face this way, this would be your back; and if you were to turn around and face the other way, this would be your back.
So 'we' acknowledge this negative-wrong of 'I cannot do it.' But 'I, as the Seer' do not have to give in to it, be moved by it. So all the obstacles or anything else would all go away. The obstacles will say, 'We cannot conquer him. He is doing the contrary.' If one direction or way is not working out for 'us,' 'we' simply turn the other way. Then if 'we' go forward in that direction, it will be contrary to this side, so then 'we' turn the other way. Direction will keep on changing, but it is all the same. But there, one should not become unaware (bedhyan). If the dhyan is on 'I can't do it…I can't do it…' that should be the only thing that prevails, then you should not be thinking of your home or anything else. Here Dadashri's hair looks all grey. For some people in their dhyan they look all black. There is no problem with that.
What is of significance to us all? It is whether there was unchanging meditation (ekagra dhyan) or not? When can it be said that dhyan has occurred? It is when there is only one thing in the dhyan (ekagra). Elsewhere, when people recite the Lord's name 'Ram… Ram,' that is not dhyan.
And this dhyan is called 'Dadayi' dhyan (meditation as awakened by Dadashri, the Gnani Purush, meditation as the Self). That is considered a wonder! The one doing the meditating (dhyan) is 'Chandubhai*,' the one experiencing the dhyan is 'Chandubhai*,' and the Knower (jaannaar) is the Self. So You know that the meditation is not occurring properly when you say 'I can't do it, I can't do it.' The Self of the other person knows that, 'it is occurring, it is occurring.'
*Chandulal - Whenever Dadashri uses the name 'Chandulal' or the name of the person Dadashri is addressing, the reader should insert his or her name for exact understanding.
1) However, what is of importance and becomes recorded as one's karma is where one's dhyan i.e. one's attention or inner intent lies while one is conducting such rituals. While worshipping God, if one pictures God in his mind along with the picture of his shop or his business or the shoes he left outside the temple, how can that be called true meditation (dharma dhyan)?
2) The Lord does not take into consideration your external actions but rather your inner attentive intent during all your activities (kriya). The actions being carried out at present are the result of the meditation (dhyan) done in your past life. These actions are indicative of your independent efforts (purusharth) in your previous life, whereas the present day meditation (inner dhyan) is the independent effort for the next life, in other words it is the 'design' for your next life!
1) To improve meditation - Read and Recite The Trimantra
How is the mantra to be recited? For example, when you say 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya', as you recite these words, you should be able to visualize Lord Krishna.Regardless of the image you have of Lord Krishna, the moment you recite these words the image of Lord Krishna should come to you. What is the use if you recite this mantra but do not see the image of the one you are paying obeisance to?
If you just say the name alone, then the benefits you get will be limited, but along with the name, if you see their image, your benefits will be greater.
Questioner: How should we meditate when we say 'Namo Arihantanam'? Do we have to see a specific color?
Dadashri: 'Namo Arihantanam….', there is no need to be meditating on a color while saying 'Namo Arihantanam', but if you want to, then close your eyes and you should be able to see the letters 'N-A-M-O A-R-I-H-A-N-T-A-N-A-M…You get tremendous benefits from this. Can you not read these letters as you say 'Namo Arihantanam'? Try practicing this; you will be able to read the letters. Then 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya',even when you say this, you should be able to visualize each letter. You will be able to recite with each letter. If you practice this for two days then by the third day you will be able to see the letters very clearly.
Mantras seen and read (chintan) in this manner is meditation. It is called dhyana. If you read and recite theTrimantra in this manner, then your meditation will improve a lot.
Book Name: Pratikraman Full Version (Page # 585 paragraph #5 to Page # 586 paragraph #3)
Q. What are different types of yoga and meditation?
A. Four types of yoga Questioner: Can a person make progress through different yoga practices... Read More
A. Questioner: How can we control the mind? Dadashri: The mind can never be controlled. The mind is... Read More
Q. How to meditate and explain true meditation (spiritual meditation)?
A. People sit to meditate, but do they have a goal in mind? They haven't even visualized the goal, so... Read More
Q. What are the benefits of mantra meditation?
A. The Thundering Roar Of The Trimantra Many people recite the mantra quietly in their mind but at... Read More
Q. What is Om and meditation of Om (aum/Omkar) ?
A. Exact understanding of Om Questioner: Dada, what is Om? Dadashri: Om is to recite the Navkar... Read More
Q. What is Kundalini, chakras and What happens in Kundalini awakening ?
A. What is Kundalini? Questioner : What do they mean when they say that one can see a light (prakash)... Read More
A. Can yoga extend the life span? Questioner : Can a person live thousands of years through... Read More
Q. Can yoga practice (raj-yoga) help in attaining Self-realization?
A. Yoga Practices and Self-Realization Questioner: Can one attain darshan (vision) of the absolute... Read More
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