What is Kundalini?
Questioner : What do they mean when they say that one can see a light (prakash) when the kundalini (the energy that exists within yoga chakras) is awakened?
Dadashri: The observer of that light is the pure Soul and one that becomes engrossed in this vision is the pratishthit atma or the relative self. A person will experience happiness for the duration he remains engrossed in this and when it passes, he is back to where he started. What kind of colors do you see?
Questioner : A white light, which I have never seen before.
Dadashri : One gets happiness from whatever he becomes engrossed in. You even get pleasure from reading fiction novels but you bind unnecessary karmas with it. Instead of awakening the kundalini, why not awaken your atma (soul)? People are stuck at the 'station' of kundalini. This is same as getting down at a station with black sticky soil per Guru's instructions; when the rain falls it will produce black sticky soil. What good is that? 'We' have found the ultimate station here. There are countless stations where gurus can get you lost. You will find stability and comfort there but of what use is stability and comfort for liberation?
By awakening the kundalini, one can see things, but they were already there to begin with. Nirvikalp samadhi means the state of absolute unaffectedness amidst all stresses within thoughts, speech and acts. This can only be attained when one's vision is turned towards the Self and when one's knowledge is directed towards the Self. This is attained only when one becomes the Self.
Questioner : Dada the light of kundalini arises within me.
Dadashri : It is a tool for concentration (ekagrata) and that is why that light arises and you experience happiness. People mistakenly believe that to be the soul, but that light is not the soul. The one who 'sees' that light, is the Soul. The light is the object (drashya) and the seer (drashta) is the Self. The Self that 'we' have given you is the observer of the light.
Questioner : I see a light when I concentrate and this increases my happiness.
Dadashri : That is relative happiness. Do you know what it is like? It is like the happiness you experience after eating sweets. Still, it is good. People need something to comfort them in the endless worldly suffering, do they not? It is fine as long as they have not found the right path.
*Chandulal = Whenever Dadashri uses the name 'Chandulal' or the name of the person Dadashri is addressing, the reader should insert his or her name for exact understanding.
1) There are two types of meditation. One is the meditation associated with the body complex (pudgal), such as meditation of the kundalini (corporeal energy), meditation of a guru, meditation of a mantra, etc., and the other type of meditation is the meditation as the Self. This meditation leads to the nirvikalp samadhi (the egoless state).
2) Nirvikalp is a state of no 'I-ness'. Nirvichaar is a state without thoughts, a state like a stone; Except for a Gnani, nirvikalp state cannot be found anywhere.
3) Anahat Naad (the original sound), Kundalini etc., are all manifestations and 'appearances' in the chit and are all physical. Some people say, "I see Lord Krishna inside me." This is not the Self; it is the phenomenon of the chit. The one that sees Krishna is the Self. In the end, the vision is to be focused on the Seer (the Self). People however; put their vision (drashti) in the object being seen.
Book Name: Aptavani 2 : Page# 325 Paragraph# 4 to Page # 326 Paragraph# 6)
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