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Trimantra: Most Powerful Mantra in the World for Overcoming Obstacles

From time immemorial, in every religion there are great Self-realized men present such as Lord Mahavir, Lord Krishna, and Sri Ram. They help people get out of all partiality based on religions and instill them in religion of the Self. And at times, due to absence of great Self Realized men in the world, slowly, slowly, religions got split into different religious sects and denomination due divisiveness based on difference of opinions. And the end result of this is the loss of peace and happiness in the world over time.

There will be religious wars due to this divisiveness based on difference of opinions. To free us from these religious divisiveness, Self-Realized Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan has given us the completely impartial, non-sectarian Tri Mantra. If we can understand the real meaning of these mantras, we will see that it is not based on any person, sect or spiritual path. It pays homage to all Souls who have the knowledge of the Self to Souls who have the Absolute knowledge of the Self, as well as those who have achieved the final liberation. He has written salutations for such highly awakened Souls and by paying obeisance to such Souls, all worldly obstacles will be removed, one will feel peace during dealing with all externally induced suffering and will instill Self-awareness towards reaching the goal of final liberation.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan explains that if we recite these mantras with understanding of its true meaning, it helps us to reach higher on the spiritual ladder. We should recite them 5 times in the morning and evening with focused awareness, which will result in getting all our worldly tasks completed peacefully. If we are dealing with major obstacles, we should recite these mantras for an hour.

Auspicious Trimantra

This video features the auspicious Trimantra being sung at a satsang program in Germany.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is Navkar Mantra ?

    A. Namo Arihantanam I bow to the Lord who have annihilated all the inner enemies of anger, pride,... Read More

  2. Q. What is the meaning of Tri Mantra and what is the benefit of reciting them?

    A. Tri Mantra includes the mantras of Jain, Vasudev and Shiva. Tri Mantra is impartial and so it is... Read More

  3. Q. What is the meaning of Arihant ?

    A. Introduction of Arihant Lord: Arihant lord is the state before moksha. The level of His... Read More

  4. Q. What is the difference between an Arihant and a Siddha?

    A. Questioner: Does the title of Arihant apply to the twenty-four Tirthankaras? Dadashri: No. Only... Read More

  5. Q. What are the qualities of an Acharya?

    A. So far we have discussed two, what's next? Questioner: 'Namo Aayariyanam'. Dadashri: This... Read More

  6. Q. What are the qualities of an Upaadhyaya?

    A. Questioner: 'Namo oovazayanam…' Dadashri: This obeisance refers to the upaadhyayas. Who are the... Read More

  7. Q. Who is a Sadhu?

    A. Questioner: 'Namo Loye Savva Sahunam…' Dadashri: Loye means loka (different worlds in the cosmos).... Read More

  8. Q. What are Vasudevas like?

    A. What are these vasudevas like? They are so powerful that thousands of people can be moved to fear... Read More

  9. Q. How can we know whether one is striving for the Self?

    A. Questioner: How can we know whether one is striving for the Self? Dadashri: We can know by... Read More

  10. Q. What is Om/Aum?

    A. Questioner: Is Om (or Aum) the abbreviated version of  the Navkar mantra? Dadashri: Yes. If you... Read More

  11. Q. What is the meaning of Jai Sat Chit Anand?

    A. The first portion of the Trimantra represents the Jains, then comes the portion for the Vasudevs... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. "Words are the cause for the continued existence of this world. If you utter the words of highly elevated beings, you will be blessed, but if you speak the words of the wrong people, you will encounter difficulties. That is why it is important to understand all this."
  2. "Why should the Navkar mantra be revered? It is because these five Parameshtis - the arihant, the siddha, the acharya, the upaadhyaya, the sadhu, in the five salutations, are the instruments of liberation. Keep this your only goal"
  3. "The Trimantra is such that it benefits those who recite it, whether they understand it or not. But those who understand its meaning will reap a greater benefit. Those who recite it without the understanding will gain limited benefits for having just spoken it verbally. A tape record does not benefit when it plays the mantra, but as long as there is a presence of the soul within, whoever recites it, will definitely benefit!"
  4. The current living tirthankar is Simandhar Swami; it is through His name that your work for liberation will have to be carried out, only then can the Navkar mantra be complete. If a collector has been promoted to a Governor, would it not be disrespectful to continue addressing him as a collector?
  5. Shree Krishna and Mahavir Swami are Gods with a physical  body. Why do we call them God? It is because the Lord has completely manifested within them.
  6. The first portion of the Trimantra represents the Jains, then comes the portion for the Vasudevs and the last portion Moslems, the Christians, everyone else.
  7. Embodiment of salvation (kalyan swaroop) is called shiva. Those who are presently living and have no ego are called shiva. As such there is no person named Shiva. Shiva in itself means kalyan swaroop - a savior.
  8. People say the mantra for two purposes. They are bhaav and dravaya pujas. Bhaav puja, the devotion of inner intent only, is for spiritual progress. Dravya puja, is the devotion and offerings in the relative realm for obstacles in the worldly interactions.
  9. The sadhus we refer to are those who do sadhana (striving, self-discipline; rituals etc) to achieve the Soul, not the ones whose sadhana is aimed for attainment of worldly things, for gratification of tastes, for fame and prestige.
  10. All the scriptures of the Lord are available but you have to acquire the precise understanding of the scriptures. That understanding can never be attained without an experienced person; the Gnani Purush. On the contrary, without a Gnani, you would go astray.

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