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Bhagavad Gita

What is the Bhagavad Gita? The Bhagavad Gita is a holy scripture, which is a narrative of the incident where Lord Krishna unveiled the ultimate science of the universe to Arjuna. Lord Krishna also revealed the science of Self Realization to him. During this incident, Arjuna attained Self Realization.

Even today, after thousands of years, many people read the Bhagavad Gita to understand the ultimate truth. We can comprehend the Bhagavad Gita as it is up to a certain point, but is it possible for us to understand the exact meaning of what Shree Krishna told Arjuna? What are the benefits of reading the Gita in this day and age? Can reading the Gita help you achieve Self Realization? No! Just like you need a lit candle to light another, you need a living Enlightened One to attain Self Realization. Even today it is possible to attain Self Realization through the current spiritual master Pujya Deepakbhai, who was graced by Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan has illuminated us with lesser known facts of Shree Krishna. For instance, despite having 16000 wives, why is Shree Krishna called a “Naishthik Brahmachari”? What is the true meaning of the Sudarshan Chakra? What is the reality behind the lifting of the Govardhan Mountain? Many related questions and much more have been answered by Param Pujya Dadashri in great detail.

Get deeper spiritual insight into the Bhagavad Gita as it is below…

Teachings of Lord Krishna

Lord krishna has said that to realize your true self is real god. To give this realization to people he said that he will come back as a tirthankar and give the knowledge of the Self to mankind.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is the Geeta Saar and Bhagavad Gita summary?

    A. Mystery of Bhagavad Gita in just two words! Questioner: Why did Lord Krishna tell Arjuna to fight... Read More

  2. Q. What did Arjuna experience during Krishna Bhagwan’s virat roop darshan? What is Shree Krishna virat roop?

    A. Magnificent Darshan to Arjuna Questioner: Shree Krishna had shown the universal vision... Read More

  3. Q. What is the meaning of Nishkama Karma, as explained by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavath Geetha?

    A. True Nishkama Karma Questioner: How does nishkama karma (action performed without any expectation... Read More

  4. Q. How can we get Spiritual Enlightenment according to the Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta?

    A. Only a Gnani can make you Brahmanishtha The Self, the real ‘You’ is the Supreme Soul (parmatma),... Read More

  5. Q. What is sthitprajna according to the Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta?

    A. Sthitaprajna One day a great pundit (a religious scholar) came to test me. He asked me, "What is a... Read More

  6. Q. What are the triguna of prakriti according to Shree Krishna? Why and how does one go beyond Sattva Rajas Tamas Prakruti?

    A. The Self And The Non-self The entire world is trapped in trying to understand prakruti, the... Read More

  7. Q. What does Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya mean? Why is Lord Krishna referred to as Vasudev and Narayan?

    A. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Questioner: Please explain the next mantra 'Om namo Bhagavate... Read More

  8. Q. Is the story of Lord Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan true? What is this Krishna Leela?

    A. A Safe-Haven for Cows Established by Lord Krishna Many domestic animals were being slaughtered... Read More

  9. Q. How should one worship Bal Krishna (Laddu Gopal)?

    A. Dadashri: You do not get bored (kantado) during worship, do you? Questioner: No. Dadashri: When... Read More

  10. Q. Why is Shri Krishna called a Celibate (Naishtik Brahmachari)?

    A. Vallabhacharya started the Pushti path of religion in Hinduism. Five hundred years ago, the Hindu... Read More

  11. Q. Who is the real Krishna or Yogeshwar Krishna? What is the real swaroop of Bhagwan Shri Krishna?

    A. Dadashri: No one has really understood Lord Krishna at all. Some have labelled Him ‘the one with a... Read More

  12. Q. Who runs the world, according to the Srimad Bhagavad Gita?

    A. Even God does not have control over the prakruti Questioner: The first sentence in the Gita says,... Read More

  13. Q. What is true religion according to Bhagwat Geeta?

    A. Of Which Religion Should One Take Shelter? Questioner: All the religions say, “Come under my... Read More

  14. Q. What is the essence of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta?

    A. Final Science in the form of questions and answers Dadashri: The entire Gita is in the form of... Read More

  15. Q. Facts and myths about God Krishna

    A. Raas-leela God has not played raas-leela at all. Who told you that Lord Krishna did that? These... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. When 'we' bestow upon you, the state of the Self, the state you attain thereafter is much higher than even the state of 'sthita-pragnya' that Lord Krishna has referred to in the Bhagwad Gita. This here is pragnya (the continuous energy of the Soul that liberates) and with this you have to get rid of all attachment and abhorrence (raag-dwesh).
  2. Lord Krishna had said, "The religion of the Self is swa-dharma and any other activities such as fasting or penance are activities of the non-self. There is nothing of the Self in them."    
  3. Swa-dharma can only be practiced when one understands and recognizes that one's Self within, is Krishna.
  4. Lord Krishna has said so many things; He said, "Enjoy the circumstance that is present before you and do not worry about what is not." Food on your plate in front of you is a circumstance present before you.
  5. Lord Krishna was a Gnani. He became enlightened; He became a Gnani Purush (Narayan) from an ordinary human being (nara).
  6. Worshipping child Krishna takes one to Vaikunth (that which contains the chit tendencies). Devotion to Yogeshwar Krishna (Krishna as the enlightened One) along with Self-realization leads one to moksha. Lord Krishna has used the word ‘I’ in the Bhagwat Gita for the Self. He has not used it for His relative self, the friend of Arjuna.
  7. Here in 'our' satsangs, there is harmony and union of the Jain, Vaishnav, Muslim and Christian religions. 'We' (Gnani Purush and the manifest Lord within) are the Sangmeshwar Bhagwan; one accepted by all religions. Those searching for Krishna find Lord Krishna and those searching for Khuda (the God of Muslims), find Khuda here. Many people have done darshan of Lord Krishna through 'us'. Here, there is impartial religion.
  8. Lord Krishna has said, "A Gnani Purush destroys the effects of demerit karma (paap) of endless past lives." Not only does the Gnani destroy these karmas, but He also gives you the divine inner vision along with it; He gives you the awareness (laksha) of the Self. A Gnani Purush of the Akram Vignan Path is 'na bhuto na bhavishyati.' It means such a One was never around, and will never come again. Therefore, get your work done in His direct presence.

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