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Knowing God

We are all in search of God. And ultimately, your quest of ‘Knowing God’ has brought you here! But where is God? Is He an all-knowing entity who lives in the heavens and runs this world? If He is the doer, then why has He not put an end to natural calamities, illness, poverty, misery, injustice, violence and unhappiness? Why does He allow one person to sleep on the pavement and another in a palace?

In reality, God has not created this world at all. So, does God exist? Yes, God is in every creature, whether visible or invisible, not in creation.

So now the question may arise, ‘Who is God?’ and ‘How can we experience God?’

Many people came to Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan with these questions about knowing God and not only obtained answers to, “Who is God?” and “Where is God?”, but also realized the God within them.

Read more to find and begin experiencing God…

How to Find God?

Where is God? The address of God is; He is in every creature whether visible or invisible not in creation.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is God?

    A. You are in search of God. You want to know God. You want to know the function of God. You want to... Read More

  2. Q. Who is God?

    A. In this world, if you have studied engineering, people call you an engineer; and if you diagnose,... Read More

  3. Q. Does God Exist? Where is God?

    A. Is it in heaven? In the sky? In a temple? In our hearts? Or somewhere else? By not knowing the... Read More

  4. Q. Who created God? Where did God come from?

    A. When we see this beautiful world around us, we often wonder, ‘Who must have created this... Read More

  5. Q. Is it so that God created the world?

    A. The fact is that God is not the creator of this world at all!       If we say God is the Creator,... Read More

  6. Q. Did Brahma Vishnu Mahesh collectively create the world?

    A. There is a religious belief that: 'Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh collectively created the world. ... Read More

  7. Q. Is there any current Living God? Where is He? How does He help us?

    A. Yes, there is! But before we learn more about this amazing Living God, let us understand the term... Read More

  8. Q. How to pray to God

    A. Prayer is a medium through which you connect to God and receive energy from Him. Prayers are... Read More

  9. Q. Does God forgive me for my wrongdoings or does God punish?

    A. If a person were to steal today, his action of stealing would be the visible karma. The fruit of... Read More

  10. Q. God, where are You when I need you? God please help me!

    A. Right from childhood, we are taught that God is kind, He is all-forgiving and He loves us... Read More

  11. Q. How to attain the Love of God

    A. God’s love is pure love. It is divine love and that is why the warmth of God’s love is very... Read More

  12. Q. How to Focus on God

    A. Right from childhood, we are taught that we must worship God. And we worship God through different... Read More

  13. Q. What is the importance of idol worship?

    A. Idol worship is a very big support in life! There are numerous reasons and tremendous benefits... Read More

  14. Q. What are the attributes of God?

    A. God is the Soul that resides within you, within us, within every living being. The body is the... Read More

  15. Q. What is the key to truly experiencing God?

    A. Do you know that experiencing God means experiencing your own Self, because God is what we really... Read More

  16. Q. How to become a God

    A. If we know what God is like, we will know how to become a God.  So, let us try and understand... Read More

  17. Q. Who are Durga Devi and Ambe Maa?

    A. Goddess Ambika, also known as Durga Maa and Ambe Maa, is one of the Goddesses, who is worshipped... Read More

  18. Q. What does Maa Saraswati represent?

    A. Maa Saraswati is the Goddess of Knowledge! Saraswati means ‘the one who leads to the essence of... Read More

  19. Q. Where does Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, reside? What are her Rules?

    A. Lakshmiji is a Goddess, the Goddess of wealth. The hunger for money and wealth is driving the... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. God is in every creature, whether visible or invisible. There are infinite life forms between you and me, which are not visible even through a microscope, and God resides in them too.
  2. If God is the superior over you and he was to grant you liberation, then you would have to do whatever he tells you. That means that he can dictate what you do. So how can you call that liberation? Liberation means complete freedom; no superior over you and no subordinate under you.
  3. This body is the outer packing and the One within is God.
  4. God has said that a real man is the one who has no weakness of ego, anger, greed, or attachment whatsoever.
  5. God is one in whom the ego is gone. If there is any state that is worthy of greater worship, it is of the one whose ego is gone, the one whose 'I-ness' (potapanu) is gone.
  6. This world is run solely by scientific circumstantial evidences. There is no one up there who has the time to run all this. I refer to these scientific circumstantial evidences as vyavasthit shakti. It keeps everything and everyone organized.
  7. If one becomes the doer of anything then he also becomes the sufferer of that action. God is just the knower and perceiver and in eternal bliss. He is always immersed in his own infinite bliss - the bliss of the Self.
  8. You are your own superior, you are your own protector and you are your own destroyer. You are whole and sole responsible for yourself. No one else interferes in all this. Whether you have a superior or an underhand, it is entirely due to your own mistakes.
  9. You do not have any boss in this world. Your bosses are your blunders and your mistakes. In the absence of these two, you are the Supreme Lord.
  10. The Absolute 'I' within you is God. Beyond this there is no other God or superior above you.
  11. God is in every living being, as the Self, the force behind all life, the Soul (Chetan).
  12. In God's world there is only this much: "One should not inflict pain on any living being. This is our only principle!"
  13. It is a great blessing to take care of the living parents. The rewards are immediate. They are next to God; although you cannot see God, you can see them.
  14. An atheist may not believe in God, he may not believe in religion, but he believes in ethics, and ethics is the greatest dharma. Without ethics, there is no religion (dharma).
  15. Love that fluctuates is not true love; it is attachment. Love that is constant is God’s love. It wins everyone over.
  16. Love that is constant is God's love.
  17. In God's language: 'The fault is of the sufferer,' but according to the world and man's laws, the person who commits the crime is at fault.

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