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Moksha: The Ultimate Spiritual Goal

All living things are in search of happiness. A kid plays with toys because he is looking for happiness. When he grows, he studies hard so that he can live a happy life in the future. Based on his education, he looks for a job to achieve the things that will lead to his satisfaction. Then, he marries with the expectation to become a 'happy man'. During all these stages, he feels happy for a while, but that ‘happiness’ does not last long. Thus, his search for happiness continues. No amount of money, praise, achievement or any level of success gives him solace. When he realizes that all these are bondages or sources of temporary happiness, the search for everlasting joy begins. This permanent happiness is Moksha, also known as salvation, mukti, or freedom from bondage.

It is due to bondage that one feels unhappy.

"From the moment one becomes aware of 'I am bound', after that moment, he will desire to become free (from this worldly life) & attain ultimate liberation (Moksha)" - Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan

Bondage is the fruit of ignorance of the Self (Soul), while Moksha is the fruit of the knowledge of the Self. The path of Moksha or the Moksha marg begins when one attains Self-realization and knows 'Who am I.' Moksha or liberation is in your hand from the moment the ignorance of the Self goes away. Liberation is the end of the spiritual path.

Who does not allow you to attain Moksha?

What does not let a gourd covered with mud float? It is the mud that weighs it down. In the same way, there are 'parmanus' (sub-atomic particles of the body complex) that cover the Soul. These 'parmanu' heavily weigh down the Soul and drag it into lower life forms. It is the veil of these particles that do not allow you to achieve Moksha.

After Self-realization, one becomes free from all attachments of worldly atoms, including the sub-atomic particles. All these atoms around the Soul shed off, and the Soul floats to Siddha Kshetra (the permanent abode of absolutely liberated Souls). This is the ultimate liberation, which is possible only by the grace of a Gnani Purush.

A Gnani Purush is the one who has reached the state of permanent happiness. Isn't it easy to reach the airport if we are with someone who knows the way to the airport? Similarly, the path to Moksha becomes straightforward when we meet the Gnani Purush.

Read on to get a clear understanding on the various questions related to Moksha.

Moksha in this Life

We are whole and sole responsible for all our deeds and have to suffer the consequences too. Don’t we want to be free from all this sufferings? It can be achieved in 2 stages. First stage of Moksha can be experienced in this very life that is free from all the sufferings and Second stage is ultimate salvation of the Soul.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What is the meaning of Moksha / Salvation / Liberation? Why does one search for Moksha?

    A. The meaning of Moksha / Salvation / Liberation has different interpretations for different people.... Read More

  2. Q. Does the liberation of soul really occur? Who attains Moksha?

    A. Most people believe that Moksha means liberation of soul or salvation of soul from all bondages.... Read More

  3. Q. What is the importance of human life to attain Moksha?

    A. We have heard that human life is precious. However, do we know why it is valuable? What is the... Read More

  4. Q. Is the definition of moksha real? Or is it so that Moksha is only an imagination?

    A. Spiritually, the definition of Moksha is the same as the definition of liberation and the... Read More

  5. Q. How to attain moksha in Kaliyuga (the Current Era of the Time Cycle)?

    A. If we were to go to the airport, it would get tedious without knowing the path. However, when we... Read More

  6. Q. What is the role of rituals in the path of salvation / liberation? Is renunciation necessary for progressing on it?

    A. When we talk about God, spirituality, and Moksha, several questions arise in our minds, like, “For... Read More

  7. Q. What Happens after Moksha?

    A. What happens after Moksha? What happens to soul after Moksha? Once you attain liberation, you... Read More

  8. Q. What are the pitfalls on the way of salvation?

    A. For those who are keen to proceed ahead and consistently progress on the way of salvation or... Read More

  9. Q. Moksha vs nirvana: What is the difference?

    A. Moksha begins with Liberation and Nirvan happens when one attains Ultimate Liberation! This is the... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. If one wants to go to moksha (Ultimate Liberation), then one will have to ‘everywhere adjust’.
  2. When there is God above you, there is no ultimate liberation (moksha) there. Where there is moksha, there is no God above you.
  3. All are ‘relative religions’, they do not give Moksha (ultimate liberation) but they push one towards Moksha.
  4. ‘Do not ever get involved in clashing with anyone’ – this is the biggest key to go to moksha.
  5. ‘I am myself an Absolute Supreme Self (Parmatma)’, if one attains this awareness, he can attain moksha (ultimate liberation). Otherwise he cannot realize moksha, then it is called just a slight vision (darshan).
  6. Kashaya (anger-pride-deceit-greed) filled worldly interaction is a worldly life, and to becomes kashaya-free is moksha.
  7. Mokha (ultimate liberation) is attained by meeting a Gnani Purush (the enlightened one), otherwise even after millions of (trying) solutions, moksha will not be attained. Moksha cannot be attained through (trying) solutions, it can be attained through effort free state (upeya)
  8. Freedom from ignorance of the Self is the intent moksha (bhaav-moksha) and then comes [into effect] the actual moksha (drayva-moksha).
  9. Moksha (the ultimate liberation) is through absolute humility. One is not expected to perform any action; one needs to come into absolute humility.
  10. Freedom is that in which one will not feel dependency. Despite having the physical body, one will not feel dependency.

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