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Non Violence (Ahimsa) and Spiritual Awareness

The word violence generally conveys the impression of some form of physical aggression. But, the spiritual definition of violence is much broader. It says that violence begins from the moment you have a thought about hurting another living being.

Violence is something that is completely the opposite of peace, whether it is internal or external peace. Therefore, to maintain peace, one should maintain complete non-violence. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan states the definition of non-violence is, “To maintain the awareness of not hurting any living being, even to the slightest degree, through one’s mind, speech, and actions.” When this principle remains firm in your belief and awareness then you will be able to progress spiritually. This constant awareness can be attained after Self Realization and with the blessings of the Gnani Purush.

Many people also wonder how being a non-vegetarian is considered a form of violence. Param Pujya Dadashri responds, The general rule is that you cannot destroy what you cannot create.” From this, we can understand that we should not take any living beings’ life because we cannot bring them back to life.

You can learn more about violence (himsa) and non-violence (ahimsa), from the gross to the subtlest levels as exposed in the book, “Non-Violence”. It will serve as a useful guide for those who want to practice non-violence (ahimsa) and desire liberation.


The simplest way of achieving peace and happiness in life is to heartily pray god every day, 'I don't want to hurt anybody in this world, by my mind, speech or action.'


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. How to make Religious and Spiritual Progress?

    A. Question: Can you please elaborate on the subject of ahimsa (non-violence) in one's religious and... Read More

  2. Q. How to practice Non violence/Ahimsa?

    A. Questioner: Show us how to practice ahimsa. Dadashri: Most important of all, you must not hurt or... Read More

  3. Q. Why is there such a great emphasis on protecting life forms from fear?

    A. Questioner: So why is there such a great emphasis on protecting life forms from fear? Dadashri:... Read More

  4. Q. How to become non-violent?

    A. You should not have any violent intent in your mind. Your intent not to cause harm to any being... Read More

  5. Q. Is egg vegetarian?

    A. Today, many people argue that eggs are vegetarian since they have no life in it. However, is it... Read More

  6. Q. Is milk vegetarian or nonvegetarian?

    A. Questioner: Just as one should not eat the 'vegetarian' egg, one should not drink the milk of a... Read More

  7. Q. Does eating meat affect one's spiritual awareness?

    A. Questioner: So is it certain that food does have an effect on the mind? Dadashri: Everything is... Read More

  8. Q. What is intent-violence?

    A. One commits self-violence when one does kashaya (when one has anger, false pride, attachment and... Read More

  9. Q. How to cease intent violence? What does intent-death mean?

    A. Aarta-dhyana (internal worries) and raudra-dhyana (thoughts or desire to hurt other people) is... Read More

  10. Q. Does one become non-violent after attaining Self-Realization?

    A. Dadashri: Now if moonlight illuminated the roads, would a person drive his car without turning on... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. The definition of ahimsa is: to maintain the awareness to not hurt any living being, even in the slightest degree, through your mind, speech and actions.
  2. "Face all violence with non-violence." If someone uses the weapon of violence, you should use the 'weapon' of non-violence against him. Only this approach will lead to happiness. Violence only stops with non-violence.
  3. On the one hand people pray to the Lord while on the other, they continue to hurt the very beings within which the Lord resides. 
  4. To cause someone mental distress, to hurt him, cheat, betray or steal from him is all raudradhyan (adverse internal meditation that hurts others), the consequence of which will be a life in hell.
  5. Ahimsa means to not have a single negative thought about anyone, not even for one's own enemies. A non-violent person will even think about the physical well-being and salvation of his own enemy.
  6. Kashaya is the ultimate violence and that is why the Lord has said that first and foremost, one should not have any kashaya. This type of violence is called self-violence or intent-violence (bhaav-himsa).
  7. There is no greater violence than the kashaya done against other human beings. Show me anyone that does not do this. Those who do no kashaya at home practice true ahimsa.
  8. If a person were to resolve in his mind that under no circumstances does he want to kill any life-form, then he will not be instrumental in causing the death of any life-form.
  9. Protecting life from fear (Abhaydaan) is the highest charity of all.
  10. Only the one, who is absolutely non-violent himself, can show others the true nature of violence. Such a being is eternally established as the Self. These are the Tirthankaras and the Gnanis.

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