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What is Brahmacharya (Celibacy)?

In reality, there are two kinds of brahmacharya. The ultimate form of brahmacharya (celibacy) is when one’s focus is always in the awareness of ‘I am Pure Soul.’ It is to conduct (charya) one’s Self in the Soul (brahma). That is the real brahmacharya meaning.

The other form of brahmacharya, is when you do not participate in or encourage sexuality through the mind, speech and body. It does not matter if you are married or not. In this context, brahmacharya is the life-force (pudgalsar) of the body (non-self). It is the essence of the food we eat and drink. If this brahmacharya essence disappears then the true experience and attainment of the Self becomes very difficult. Therefore, brahmacharya is a critical spiritual practice. There is no end to bliss if there is Gnan (Self Realization) on one side and brahmacharya on the other. It brings about an unbelievable change; this is because, brahmacharya is the life-force and the essence of the body.

The world, which is immersed in the illusion of false enjoyment of sex, needs to be awakened to the reality of the poison that it truly is. How can there be enjoyment in the body full of blood, mass, and waste materials? Think about it, just as butter or ghee is the end product of milk, the ultimate extract of food is semen. It is dissipated and lost in sex or masturbation, thus making the body weak.

The essence of the worldly life is moksha and the essence of the body is semen. The preservation of semen means that you attain the energy of brahmacharya, which results in a brilliant aura, glowing look, increased concentration and will power. The one who practices celibacy can remain calm even under extreme difficulties.

Only a fully Enlightened person, the Gnani Purush, can expose the science behind celibacy since He has achieved absolute celibacy. He is free from all sexual impulses thus He can set us free. One such Gnani Purush is Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan. He has opened the path of celibacy even for married couples. He says, that in marriage, mutual understanding and sexual loyalty is considered celibacy in this era.

He reveals that, “Those, who are under the vow of brahmacharya, experience eternal bliss of the Self (Soul) within.” Self Realization is absolutely imperative to get the perfect results of practicing celibacy. Once you experience the bliss of the Soul, you will not seek pleasure in sex.      

Science of Celibacy

Pujya Niruma explains the spiritual science behind celibacy. She describes that, if you find happiness from your Soul, you will no longer crave happiness from sex.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What are the characteristics of a celibate (brahmachari)?

    A. A celibate (brahmachari) is much more than just someone who has taken the vow of celibacy. Let us... Read More

  2. Q. How does a spiritual life help in brahmacharya (celibacy)? What is the connection between celibacy and Self Realization?

    A. Param Pujya Dadashri says, ‘After getting this knowledge [of the Self], I have never had a thought... Read More

  3. Q. Rarely known Celibacy Benefits

    A. In the spiritual path, celibacy is the greatest and the purest form of instrument for one’s... Read More

  4. Q. What are the dangers of sex ?

    A. Whenever we hear the word danger, we all automatically become alert and vigilant in order to keep... Read More

  5. Q. What is a wet dream? What causes wet dreams? How to stop wet dreams?

    A. There are two main causes of wet dreams: Sexual attraction – this causes semen leakage at a... Read More

  6. Q. What is semen (virya) in spirituality? How can the rise of semen energy help in spirituality?

    A. The essence of the worldly life is moksha and the essence of the body is semen (virya). All the... Read More

  7. Q. What is the science of attraction between a man and woman?

    A. The attraction between a man and woman occurs because there is an account of subatomic particles... Read More

  8. Q. What is the role of food in the practice of brahmacharya (celibacy)? What kind of brahmacharya diet is advisable?

    A. Food plays an important role in the practice of brahmacharya and in maintaining awareness of it.... Read More

  9. Q. What is the role of mind in the practice of brahmacharya (celibacy)?

    A. The mind is contradictory. It will show you both thoughts about practicing celibacy and it will... Read More

  10. Q. Who is a Sati (chaste woman)? What is the true Sati definition?

    A. A sati is a woman who is so pure that she never has any thoughts of men other than her own husband.... Read More

  11. Q. What are the facts behind the vow of celibacy?

    A. Sex is the only one thing that can be changed through the agna of the Gnani Purush. (Here, a... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. One hasn't known the danger of sex and therefore he does not stop.
  2. When you analyze sex, it is like scratching an eczematous lesion.
  3. Now, when does one have to do penance? When thoughts about sex arise and you maintain a firm decision of not giving in to them, the Lord has called this penance.
  4. The person, who conquers abrahmacharya, conquers the whole world. The governing deities, the celestial protectors of the path of liberation are very pleased with the one who is in brahmacharya.
  5. You will succeed in achieving your goal of attaining brahmacharya with your absolute firm decision coupled with my agna, provided there is no wavering in that decision.
  6. The constant awareness of 'I am Shuddhatma', 'I am pure Soul', is the supreme brahmacharya.
  7. The only key to winning the world is if when the subject of sex does not become the object of sex.
  8. Any religion that sanctions and allows sexuality is no religion. Religion exists where there is brahmacharya. No matter to what little extent religion is present, it must be free from all elements of sexuality.
  9. Millions of lives die in only one act of sex through the loss of millions of living sperms. This is tremendous violence. Not realizing this, people believe sexual act to be the highest pleasure.
  10. He sees, 'This is a woman'. This is the disease of the man. If a man has this disease then he will see the woman, otherwise he will see only the Self in that person. To see, 'This is a man', is the disease of the woman. Moksha occurs when this disease is eradicated.

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