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What are the dangers of sex ?

Whenever we hear the word danger, we all automatically become alert and vigilant in order to keep our loved ones and ourselves safe. But, what about when it comes to sexuality? Are we alert? Are we vigilant? No. Why? Because we have never heard the disadvantages of sex or the dangers of sexuality.


Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, a Gnani Purush has revealed in great detail both the disadvantages of sex and the dangers of sexuality. Here they are:

  • Where do quarrels occur between husband and wife? Only where there is infatuation and attraction. For how long the quarrels exist? As long as sexual interaction exists, quarrels exist.
  • Millions of lives die in just one act of sex because of the loss of millions of living sperm. This is tremendous violence. Not realizing this, people believe sex as having the highest pleasure. They do not understand that life is precious and must not be lost except as a last resort.
  • After sex, the power of the body, the power of the mind and the power of speech decreases.
  • All the diseases in the body are due to sexual involvement.
  • The physical strength, the mental strength, the intellectual strength and the power of egoism; all of these are exhausted because of non-celibacy!
  • It increases the layers of ignorance covering the Soul.
  • One becomes unconscious while awake after sex.
  • The inner faculty of knowledge and vision becomes trapped in sex, it destroys all divinity within one. With loss of divinity, one becomes like an animal.
  • Humans lose their human-ness.
  • One cannot attain Absolute Knowledge (Keval Gnan) without practicing celibacy.
  • Sexuality is born out of attraction and from that, repulsion occurs. When repulsion arises, it gives rise to causes for revenge in the next life. Therefore, sex is a cause of vengeance.
  • The ultimate extract of our nourishment is semen and it is dissipated and lost in sex.
  • Sex only leads to a lower life form. This is because millions of jivas (embodied souls) die in a single act of sex! Even if one does not have the understanding, he still takes on the liability, doesn’t he!
  • Sex is such that one day’s sexual activity does not let one attain any meaningful concentration on anything for three days. There would be instability in the concentration and focus on any task. When one abstains from sex for a month, his stability in concentration and focus is greatly improved.
  • The illusion of sex is such that it will sink all, even the one who thinks that he has no attachment to anything in the world. This illusion of sex has sunk great saints and masters from tremendous spiritual heights.
  • Millions of living forms die in only one act of sexual intercourse. And all these jivas take revenge in one form or another.
  • Sex carries tremendous liability. It carries the greatest liability of all. It breaks all the five major vows (truth, non-violence, non-possession, non-stealing, celibacy) mentioned in Jainism as Mahavrats.
  • As the breaths of life increase in frequency, the lifespan decreases. It is used in fear, in anger, in greed, in deceit but the maximum number of breaths is used in the sexual act. Hence decreasing the lifespan.

These are just the dangers involved in rightful sex with one’s spouse, but the consequences of illicit sex or adultery are even graver.

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