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Are Positive and Negative Egoism both Egoistic?


Positive and Negative Egoism!

There was a Brahmin (priestly upper caste). He was the only Brahmin in the whole village. The poor man died!  His wife was already dead. He had two children, one was a year and a half, and the other was three years old. Both the parents died, leaving behind these two children. So the whole village convened to decide about the welfare of the two Brahmin boys. No one was ready to adopt them. There was a Marvadi Brahim travelling through, he stepped forward saying, 'Brothers, I do not have a son. If you give me one child, I'll take him'. So this Brahmin from out of town took the three year old. Now there was no one to take the one and half year old.  Who would take on the hassle? Would they toil for their own children, or someone else's child? There was a Sudra (lower caste) amongst them who comes forward and says, 'Sir, I do not have a child, if you give him to me, I will raise him.' The villagers decided that otherwise the child would die so they said, 'give him to the Sudra instead!' And so they give the child to the Sudra. So he was raised by the Sudra, until he was eighteen, while the other boy was now twenty years old. 

The boy brought up in the Brahmin household started picketing, against alcohol in front of the brewery. Both the boys had the same mother. And since the other one came under the Sudra's influence, he began brewing alcohol. While the boy who remained under the Brahmin's influence, started picketing against alcohol consumption, and other such things. A great Gnani Purush was passing through the village and someone asked him, 'Sir, which one of these two boys will attain moksha? Will it be the one that brews alcohol or the one who opposes it?'  And the Gnani replies, 'Son, one is doing the egoism of not to drink alcohol, while the other is doing the egoism to drink alcohol; they are both egotistic (ahankari), and in my realm, neither of the two will attain moksha.' This is the rule of the world. Understand the rule. 

These ascetics do the egoism of renunciation (tyaga), while those do the egoism of acquisition (graham): neither will reach there. He who has no such thing as acquisition or renunciation, whose intent is natural and pure (sahaj), and that is the way he lives, eats and drinks, for him there is moksha.  Will you not have to understand this? Why is this? This is not some lawless kingdom. This is exact (right), it is according to law. Not even for a moment does it step out of bounds of this law. In your courts there is sham and falsehood, so if you want to meddle, you can do it there.

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