'I am Chandubhai*' is egoism (ahankar). And this is not the only egoism. I am going to show you how there are so many forms of egoism. One will then say, 'I'm this girl's father', which is the second egoism. Then, 'I am this woman's husband', is the third egoism. 'I am so many years old', is the fourth egoism. 'I am fat', is the fifth egoism, 'My complexion is dark', is the sixth egoism, 'I am his grandfather', is the seventh egoism 'I am his maternal uncle', is the eighth egoism. 'I am his father's brother-in-law'. How many forms of egoism must there be? Therefore, a falsely asserted intent (aropit bhaav), is known as egoism (ahankar), and the original intent (maulik bhaav) is called non-egoism (nirahankar). When one says, 'I am poor', what would you call this?
Questioner: Egoism.
Dadashri: And so, 'I am sick', is called egoism (ahankar); 'I am well', is called egoism; 'I am a doctor', is called egoism. Then he'll say, 'I am a Shah', goodness! He calls himself a Shah, as though he has never stolen before. What is a Shah like? A Shah is someone who would never cheat on his books, and would never steal anything at all! That is how the world is. This is all egoism; it is egoism. This is not a characteristic of the Atma (the Soul; the Self). This entire world stands on egoism. How long will it go on standing like that? Until it attains the awareness of, 'Who am I', it will continue to exist this way.
From the very start, people will say, 'Hey! This here is Sheth (honourable title) Chandulal*'s son'; Chandulal* Sheth's son, so even the son will feel flattered. Then begins the entrapment! As this world brings you up, it will throw you in such a pit, that you can never climb out of it. So this world will always remain just as it is. It will stay like this forever, and as a rule, people will continue to go to moksha (liberation), from here.
*Chandubhai = Whenever Dadashri uses the name 'Chandubhai' or the name of the person Dadashri is addressing, the reader should insert his or her name for exact understanding.
1) To say 'I am', while being the Self (the Soul), is not egoism. But to say 'I' while being in the non-self, is egoism. Ignorance of the Self is the impediment.
2) Egoism is harmful, the moment one realizes that then everything will become straightforward. The ego (ahankar) is not worth protecting.
Book Name: Aptavani 10 (U) (Page #350 Paragraph #7 to Page #351 Paragraph #4)
Q. What is ego? Is ego and egoism the same?
A. Questioner: What they refer to as ego (aham) and egoism (ahankar), is it just one thing, or are... Read More
Q. Do you have control over all your actions (like sleep) and thoughts?
A. When you go to sleep at night, do you fall asleep or does someone else makes you fall... Read More
A. Questioner: If we go to a person's house and he does not welcome us nicely, should we consider that... Read More
A. Questioner: Should we do meditative chanting (japa), yoga, devotional worship (bhakti) or what... Read More
Q. Are Positive and Negative Egoism both Egoistic?
A. Positive and Negative Egoism! There was a Brahmin (priestly upper caste). He was the only... Read More
Q. Is kindness a form of Egoism?
A. Questioner: Is there egoism in pity (daya)? Dadashri: Pity is an egoistic quality! All dualistic... Read More
Q. Is there a correlation between Egoism and Confidence?
A. Questioner: Where is the line of demarcation, between egoism and self-confidence? If a person has... Read More
Q. What is Egoism? How can one become free from Egoism?
A. Our people do not know what egoism (ahamkar) is at all. What is considered egoism? Each and every... Read More
Q. Who is the One that experiences happiness and misery?
A. Many Ways of Suffering! The Atma does not experience any kind of pain or misery. The Atma is a... Read More
Q. If Egoism binds Karma, then how can one become free from it?
A. Egoism arises first and then this body is constituted. Gita has said it correctly that the egoism... Read More
Q. How to get rid of my-ness and attain Nijanand (Bliss of the Self)?
A. Questioner: What is the difference between egoism (ahankar) and my-ness (mamata)? Dadashri: ... Read More
Q. How to remove Egoism and attain Moksha?
A. Questioner: Now, what should we do to reduce our egoism? Dadashri: Go to someone, whose ego is... Read More
Q. What is the origin of the Ego?
A. How long does it take for a shadow to arise in the light of the Sun? When anything comes in front... Read More
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