Questioner: If we go to a person's house and he does not welcome us nicely, should we consider that as his egoism or his pride (maan)?
Dadashri: It is called being disrespectful (inconsiderate). You would call it his inconsideration towards you. If you feel offended, is it not your egoism? He will be liable for his disrespectfulness. And if you feel bad, you too will be held liable.
Questioner: How would we recognize egoism?
Dadashri: Everyone can recognize egoism. If someone were to insult you right now, would you not recognize it immediately? Who becomes depressed the moment someone says, 'you have no sense'? Isn't it the egoism that does? Therefore, you can recognize egoism over and over again.
Questioner: That isn't so clear yet Dada, I am still confused.
Dadashri: No, here it is all very clear. If someone habitually tells you, 'Get up from here', even then your egoism would instantly rise up. Egoism is used constantly, time and time over. Even people would come to know how weighty their egoism is. And who is the one that knows, 'the egoism is heavy'? And the answer to that is, that it is indeed egoism.
One simply lives on egoism. 'There's no one like me, there's no one like me, I am bigger than him, I am bigger than him.' That's all!
No matter how worthless a person is, even if it is to the ultimate degree, even then he will be a superior. So then why would he have any problems? What does even a rural native say? 'I am the owner of these four cows'. So why would he have any problems? It is through egoism that all this is created. Through egoism one claims, 'I own four cows. I own five hundred sheep'. People say, 'I own this'. So humanity is plagued with egoism.
1) What is the nature of the mind? When one says, "I am depressed", then the burden of the depression will increase ten fold. And when he says, "I am not depressed", then the burden reduces ten fold.
2) Pure Soul and circumstances; there are only these two; but the disturbance of egoism does not allow it to be at peace.
3) The Egoism of Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) is gone, and therefore He constantly experiences eternal bliss. He experiences that bliss even when someone swears at him. That is when you feel, 'Wow! What kind of bliss this is!'
4) After this Gnan, even you will not have any depression or elevation. Even if someone berates you or throws you in jail, you will not suffer depression, and that is called vignan (spiritual science). This is a scientificspiritual path.
Questioner: How can one decrease his egoism if he does not have Self-realization?
Dadashri: The egoism will begin to break if someone insults you. There's a big difference between breaking egoism and scratching it. This is how egoism breaks up. So when someone insults you, you should do the intent (bhaav) of, 'Dada Bhagawan, give him peace'. And if you happen to lose ten dollars somewhere, you should not start worrying. Just say, 'Dada, as you like, so be it''.
And another thing is that you should never say, 'I am intelligent'.Never say, 'I am not intelligent'. Otherwise it will spur a 'psychological effect'. By saying, 'I am intelligent', the egoism will increase. Try out these experiments, of tolerance, and also by saying, 'whatever Dada Bhagwan wills, is right' and carry on like this. And so your egoism will decrease. Have you understood this? It is short and simple; it is not complicated. If you try just this much, it will be more than enough.
Questioner: But when the time comes, we can't put it into practice.
Dadashri: If you take Dada Bhagawan*'s name, it will happen. If you try to do it directly, it will not work. We' give you 'our' blessings. If you inadvertently say something that hurts the other person, then repentant for it. And after that, say, 'Dada Bhagawan, please give him peace.' There are even effects of egoism. If you cut the egoism right now, it can be easily cut. However its 'link' never goes away, its roots never go. Then after twelve months or two years, it will sprout again. This knowledge is scientific and therefore, it actually works.
*Dada Bhagawan = When asked "who is Dada Bhagwan?" - Dadashri would say: "What you see here is not 'Dada Bhagwan.' What you see is 'A.M.Patel.' I am a Gnani Purush and He that is manifest within me, is 'Dada Bhagwan'. He is the Lord within. He is within you and everyone else. He has not yet manifest within you, whereas within me he is fully manifest. I myself am not a Bhagwan. I too bow down to Dada Bhagwan within me."
Read experience of people after attending Gnan Vidhi.
Gujarati Book Name: Aptavani 10 (U) (Page #358 Paragraph #10 to Page #359 Paragraph #7)
Q. What is ego? Is ego and egoism the same?
A. Questioner: What they refer to as ego (aham) and egoism (ahankar), is it just one thing, or are... Read More
Q. Do you have control over all your actions (like sleep) and thoughts?
A. When you go to sleep at night, do you fall asleep or does someone else makes you fall... Read More
Q. What is egoism? And how it is different from the Self (Atma)?
A. 'I am Chandubhai*' is egoism (ahankar). And this is not the only egoism. I am going to show you how... Read More
A. Questioner: Should we do meditative chanting (japa), yoga, devotional worship (bhakti) or what... Read More
Q. Are Positive and Negative Egoism both Egoistic?
A. Positive and Negative Egoism! There was a Brahmin (priestly upper caste). He was the only... Read More
Q. Is kindness a form of Egoism?
A. Questioner: Is there egoism in pity (daya)? Dadashri: Pity is an egoistic quality! All dualistic... Read More
Q. Is there a correlation between Egoism and Confidence?
A. Questioner: Where is the line of demarcation, between egoism and self-confidence? If a person has... Read More
Q. What is Egoism? How can one become free from Egoism?
A. Our people do not know what egoism (ahamkar) is at all. What is considered egoism? Each and every... Read More
Q. Who is the One that experiences happiness and misery?
A. Many Ways of Suffering! The Atma does not experience any kind of pain or misery. The Atma is a... Read More
Q. If Egoism binds Karma, then how can one become free from it?
A. Egoism arises first and then this body is constituted. Gita has said it correctly that the egoism... Read More
Q. How to get rid of my-ness and attain Nijanand (Bliss of the Self)?
A. Questioner: What is the difference between egoism (ahankar) and my-ness (mamata)? Dadashri: ... Read More
Q. How to remove Egoism and attain Moksha?
A. Questioner: Now, what should we do to reduce our egoism? Dadashri: Go to someone, whose ego is... Read More
Q. What is the origin of the Ego?
A. How long does it take for a shadow to arise in the light of the Sun? When anything comes in front... Read More
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