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Live A Happy Married Life by Resolving Conflicts in Marriage

Why do people get married? They do so because they are in search of life-long companionship, through which they can fill their life with love and happiness.

However, in order to live a happy married life, it is essential to accept your spouse the way they are. Everyone has different beliefs, thinking patterns, opinions, and viewpoints. So it is natural that no two people think alike. Hence, we can say that marriage is a merger of two separate sets of beliefs and mindsets. Due to these unlike mindsets, a couple tends to differ in terms of the way they deal with different matters in life. These differences create conflict in marriage, thus resulting in an unhappy marriage.

Despite these differences, is it possible to live a happy married life? How can you solve marriage problems and maintain marital harmony? Should you point out your spouse’s mistakes? Or is silence the solution?

Param Pujya Dadashri has answered these questions and revealed how to make a marriage work by giving practical marriage advice for resolving any kind of conflict in marriage. Using His tips of how to make a marriage work, He never had any marital discord with His wife.

He has shared the same successful marriage tips, and simple solutions, which help avoid marital discord and allow you to learn how to save your marriage and thus avoid divorce. He has also unfolded the path of Akram Vignan through which a person can experience permanent bliss and happiness while living a married life.

To find detailed solutions on how to live a happy married life as well as obtain marriage tips, read below:

Do You Think Happy Married Life is Possible?

Is it possible to live a happy married life? Let’s hear what couples have to say about conflicts in married life and how they resolve conflicts with their spouse.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. How can I have a happy marriage?

    A. Param Pujya Dadashri and Hiraba’s married life was full of peace, mutual respect and humility.... Read More

  2. Q. What are the reasons behind marriage problems?

    A. When you get married you create an ideal marriage in your mind, ‘My marriage will be like this and... Read More

  3. Q. How can couples fighting be resolved?

    A. People lack ability to solve problems with their spouses and when clashes occur, they fall deeper... Read More

  4. Q. Tips on How to Handle a Wife / How to Handle a Husband

    A. Often in our day-to-day life, we attend workshops and seminars to help us learn how to interact... Read More

  5. Q. Learn how to deal with an Angry Wife

    A. In married life, sooner or later, there may arise a situation when you have to handle your angry... Read More

  6. Q. How can I deal with my nagging wife?

    A. Nagging – the constant prodding – at one’s spouse is a common complaint in marriage. Typically, the... Read More

  7. Q. How to prevent Money Problems in Marriage

    A. You should be conscious that you do not put yourself or your spouse in financial difficulty. You... Read More

  8. Q. What are the reasons for divorce?

    A. In our everyday lives differences occur. The source of such differences arise from a difference in... Read More

  9. Q. Should I get a divorce?

    A. Divorce is rampant nowadays and thus you might also be thinking, 'Should I get a divorce?'... Read More

  10. Q. Is it worth pointing out mistakes in married life?

    A. How many times have you wanted to point out your spouse’s mistakes or experienced the same done to... Read More

  11. Q. Why should I ask for forgiveness in marriage?

    A. Often times when interacting with your spouse you hurt them knowingly or unknowingly with your... Read More

  12. Q. Should I get married or should I date?

    A. As soon as the ideal age of getting married approaches, people have lots of questions and... Read More

  13. Q. How to choose a Life Partner

    A. Choosing a life partner is one of the hardest decisions we have to make. When we become old enough... Read More

Spiritual Quotes on Happy Married Life

  1. Where there are no opinions, there is no scope for conflict.

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