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Who Am I?: How to Find Myself

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Who am I really?’ Am I a father, a husband, a friend, an engineer, a passenger or a patient? The truth is that you are a father because you have a son. You are a husband because you have a wife. A passenger because you are on a train. So all your identities, everything you believe yourself to be, are all dependent on something else. So then, who are you? A father, a husband or a passenger?

By not knowing the answer to the question, 'Who am I?', you keep on creating new identities of yourself, consequently going farther away from your true Self. All the suffering in life is because of not knowing your true identity. Until you realize your true Self, you believe yourself to be the name that has been given to you.

So who are you? In reality, you are an eternal Soul. For infinite past lives the Soul has been hidden beneath a veil of ignorance. Due to this, we have been unable to experience the true Self. With the grace of the Spiritual Master (Gnani Purush), it is now possible to realize your true Self via a scientific process called Gnan Vidhi (Self Realization ceremony). Thereafter, you not only understand that you are a Pure Soul, but you also experience your true bliss.

Curious to know more about finding myself, then read more on how to find myself.

Who am I?

Pujya Deepakbhai explores the question "Who am I?" and explains that, after Self-realization, there are two viewpoints which resolve this age-old question.


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. What should be my goals in life?

    A. Everything we do has a purpose behind it and we complete those tasks to meet our purpose. This... Read More

  2. Q. What is Moksha (Liberation)? Can I know more about it?

    A. Do you like happiness or unhappiness? Happiness, right? Have you ever noticed that if you... Read More

  3. Q. Do you ever have suspicions about your True Self? Discover Your True Self!

    A. No one really has any suspicions or doubts regarding the issue of, ‘Who am I?’ However, that... Read More

  4. Q. Who are you really?

    A. From time immemorial, we have believed ourselves to be the body that we have been given. Because of... Read More

  5. Q. What is the Scientific Understanding of 'Who am I?' Know Yourself

    A. We say, ‘I am John.’ We also say, ‘My name is John.’ So indirectly, we say that we are this... Read More

  6. Q. Do you want to know about Self Realization ?

    A. Self Realization is when you realize the answer to the question, ‘Who am I.’ It is when you realize... Read More

  7. Q. What is the Importance of Self Realization? How is it Beneficial?

    A. In Akram Vignan, Self Realization not only helps one progress spiritually, but also helps one carry... Read More

  8. Q. Is Spiritual Enlightenment possible for those living a Married Life?

    A. You might have heard that in order to fulfil their deep desire of attaining liberation, people... Read More

  9. Q. What do you experience after a Spiritual Awakening?

    A. An image of a lit candle cannot remove the darkness within a room, but a lit candle can. Similarly,... Read More

  10. Q. What are the milestones on the spiritual journey towards the Omniscience (Keval Gnan) state?

    A. The darkness prevails because of the layers of ignorance over the True Self. For an instance, if... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. The Gnan Vidhi is the process that separates the Soul (Self) from the body (non-self). It is the separation of the animate from the inanimate.
  2. A Gnani Purush knows the qualities of the Self and the non-Self and therefore, can separate the two.
  3. There is no other method to acquire the experience of the Pure Soul other than through the Gnan and the Gnani's grace. The acquisition of Gnan, leads to pratiti (conviction), laksh (awareness), and anubhuv (experience). Furthermore, the conviction (pratiti) never leaves.
  4. The world is the puzzle itself. It has puzzled itself. God has not created this puzzle. There are two viewpoints to solve this puzzle, one relative viewpoint and one real viewpoint. Real is permanent, relative is temporary. All these relatives are temporary adjustments and You are permanent.
  5. Moksha means to come to your Real nature. The worldly life means to go away from your Real nature. Which one is the easier of the two? To come to your Real Self is not difficult, but to live the worldly life as a relative self, (i.e., to go away from your Real Self), is always difficult.
  6. Everything associated with 'My' are obstacles on the path of liberation. Once 'My' becomes detached from the 'I', everything becomes clear. The realization of, "Who Am I?" is spontaneously associated with the loss or detachment of 'My'.
  7. Is there a God? Yes indeed there is God, and moreover, that God is with you. Why are you searching for him on the outside? When someone opens the door for you, you can receive His darshan (see him). However, the door has been shut so tightly, that it is impossible to open it on your own. Only a person who is Self-Realized (a Gnani Purush) can show you the path and open this door for you.
  8. You do not have any boss in this world. Your bosses are your blunders and your mistakes. In the absence of these two, you are the Supreme Lord.
  9. After entering this elevator, how does one know that he is going towards moksha? Your assurance is that your anger, lust, greed, and pride (krodh-maan-maaya-lobh) will go away. The internal suffering will go away. There will not be anymore artadhyan (adverse meditation that affects the relative self) or raudradhyan (adverse meditation causing harm to others). This will be your confirmation.
  10. The first stage of moksha is where you experience a sense of neutrality towards problems and miseries. In the first stage of moksha, one experiences indifference towards any worldly unhappiness. Even in worldly unhappiness, one remains unaffected. In the midst of oopadhi (suffering imposed upon you by others or external factors) you experience samadhi (to be free from suffering and to experience the state of one's own bliss). That is the first stage of moksha. The second stage of moksha, permanent moksha, is attained after death. The first stage of moksha should be attained here and now.

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