
Unrestricted by Dravya, Kshetra, Kaal and Bhaav

The state of a Gnani Purush is totally unrestricted by matter dravya, location kshetra, time kaal and inner intent bhaav, so the Gnani Purush does not have any bondage of dravya-kshetra- kaal-bhaav. No circumstance obstructs Him nor is He bound by any circumstance therefore He is in the bliss of uninterrupted freedom. The Gnani moves about according to unfolding of the karma therefore He is in the constant state of samadhithe state in which no situation in the relative world affects the equanimity associated with constant bliss. His worldly interactions are natural and he is the natural state of the Self (sahajatmaswaroop). It is a great wonder of this current era of the time cycle, that we can observe the naturalness (sahajata) of the manifest Self.

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