
Gnani as The Laghuttam and The Guruttam

gnani purush

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says,” Do you know what my height is? Laghuttam! What does laghuttam mean? I am smallest, lightest of all the jivas living beings in this world. That is my height. As far as the worldly life is concerned, I am the smallest. When it comes to name, fame, looks, wealth, pride etc., I am laghuttam – the lightest and from the perspective of the Self, I am guruttam – heaviest, largest. Therefore, in the home department – the Self - I am guruttam and in the foreign department – the non-Self - I am laghuttam.

I am nobody’s guru. I consider the whole world as being my guru. ‘We—I’ remain liberated and laghuttam. Still I enjoy the grandeur of the guruttam state. My appearance and conduct is laghuttam. For the world I am the smallest; I am laghuttam and for those who want to attain Gnan, I am the greatest, I am guruttam. So, if you want liberation, I am guruttam and there is no one higher than me. And if you want to be great in the worldly life, then I am laghuttam.

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