
Universally Accepted Speech

The Gnani’s (the One who has realized the Self and is able to do the same for others; also known as the Gnani Purush) speech is living, it is pratyaksh Saraswati (divine liberating speech; the Goddess of knowledge and speech personified), it is without ego, it is without attachment and abhorrence, it is without ‘my-ness’, it is without insistence, it is impartial, it is syadvaad, it is all-encompassing and accepting of all viewpoints, it is with vachanbal (the power of speech), it is strict, but also full of love and compassion. His speech is subject to the other person’s worldly interactions, leading many living beings to the path of salvation! When can such complete syadvaad vani arise? When the ego is completely dissolved, when no one in the world is seen as being at fault, when all kashay (anger, pride, deceit and greed) come to an end, syadvaad vani comes forth. It is only if the clear and distinct experience of the Self has arisen that syadvaad vani comes forth. Until then, it is considered to be mere discussion done through the intellect. As long as syadvaad vani does not come forth, it is a grave danger to preach on the path of liberation.

When the Gnani Purush speaks syadvaad, there is no ego in it. The speech of the Gnani Purush is sweet and melodious, it is such that it does not shock a person, it does not cause a reaction. When the speech comes forth such that no one is hurt even in the slightest degree, then everything has manifested in his external conduct (charitrya). Otherwise, there is really no other way you can recognize a person’s strength of conduct (charitryabal). If one is buddhi syadvaad (so-called syadvaad through the intellect), then he may create an impression of being syadvaad, but that is not complete. Whereas if One is Gnan syadvaad (syadvaad through Real Knowledge), then His external conduct is vitaraag charitrya (external conduct that is absolutely free from attachment and abhorrence). People of every religion uphold One who is Gnan syadvaad as the standard. There is no insistence whatsoever in that speech.

To not misuse speech in any way and to not use it unnaturally, that is considered as worshiping Saraswati.

This is, in fact, a spiritual Science. When speech assumes the form of Saraswati, it touches people’s hearts, and it is only then that people can attain salvation. In this world, it is difficult to come across speech that touches one’s heart. ‘Our’ speech touches the heart. If you fully digest just one word of it, it will take you all the way to liberation.

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